snigger in a sentence

Use ‘snigger’ in a sentence | ‘snigger’ example sentences

1- That stock photo of company employees made me snigger !

2- One eyebrow liked to quell a snigger .

3- And none elicit more than a snigger .

4- Journalism has always hovered between soaring ideals and base sniggering .

5- Foreign observers sniggered and called him a basketball player.

6- A loud snigger from the auditorium suddenly destroyed her.

7- Laurel’s snigger sounded like a rusty hinge.

8- Can you avoid the kind of dirty, sniggering aspect though?

9- With a low snigger , he bowed and left.

10- There were a few partially smothered sniggers .

11- He could visualize the sniggers of his subordinates.

12- He sniggers , and so does Gerald.

13- Steve sniggered and Mr Shepherd gave them a quiet smile.

14- It’s behind our backs I’m hearing the sniggers .

15- I even managed a small snigger at that one.

16- Reese glanced at her and stifled another snigger .

17- No. I am not a sniggering frat boy.

18- No amount of sniggering from Right Wing journalists will change this.

19- I trust the audience will remain FreeFrom any sniggering .

20- A fling, a flingette, a sophisticated snigger .

21- Even officers are sniggering behind their hands as Tory Councillors pass by.

22- But I reserve the right to snigger at this “explanation”.

23- There’s nothing sneering or sniggering about it.

24- He passed on and Charlie Hatton sniggered .

25- There is round-the-table sniggering at this bold assertion of Fred’s.

26- For years they were greeted with a filthy snigger and a knowing wink.

27- He accused Mr Moir of ‘ sniggering ‘.

28- Wake up the magelady; your party will snigger and run away.

29- But why did people snigger when I told them what my father did?

30- Mother and Pinga snigger , Father is a bit miffed.

31- When he relates that it is Mary Whitehouse – his son-in-law sniggers .

32- The Succentor smothered a snigger and moved politely off towards his former refuge.

33- I sniggered , knowing Harry wasn’t really into the whole cute relationship stuff.

34- At this Massie & Hughes–who were in the secret– sniggered .

35- Corbett asked, glaring at Ranulf, who was sniggering softly beside him.

36- They tied her up to a tension, with many si sniggering jest.

37- Mind it doesn’t occur again!’ and swaggered off, sniggering .

38- His enjoyment was muffled into my neck, puffing sniggers at my expense.

39- I’ll not have that snigger … any snigger on my property.

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