snifters in a sentence

Use ‘snifters’ in a sentence | ‘snifters’ example sentences

1- These snifters would literally hold a liter of liquid, and we were at a tasting event where pretty much every bottle had a pour regulator on them so that they would dispense only a few milliliters of liquid; some of the scotches there to be tasted go for upwards of $200 a bottle.

2- In other situations, the drinkware has practical application, such as coffee cups which are designed for insulation or brandy snifters which are designed to encourage evaporation but trap the aroma within the glass.

3- Wolfe lit the candle on the nearest table, placed a bottle of Flash and two snifters on its painted surface while Rickki flopped down into a wicker chair and groaned.

4- ‘The snifters , man!

5- You’ll no worry about that Rocastle business after a few wee snifters of Teachers’…

6- The snifters .’

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