sniffs in a sentence

Use ‘sniffs’ in a sentence | ‘sniffs’ example sentences

1- Then he sniffs again, a little more thoughtfully.

2- He always sniffs round as soon as he enters.

3- He isn’t needed, he sniffs .

4- He then sniffs his finger which makes him feel sick.

5- He bows to them – and sniffs a lot.

6- She looks up and around as she sniffs .

7- Lim again sniffs it out with no problem .

8- Although it sniffs superior, Doesn’t suggest genuinely.

9- If your dog sniffs it, praise and pet him enthusiastically.

10- She sniffs at it, not recognising the scent.

11- She sniffs rebellion coming; the prospect tickles her.

12- Everything is new and exciting and generates lots of snuffly sniffs .

13- He sniffs the air for information and examines some fresh droppings.

14- Whenever I spray them, my dog Carolyn sniffs the air.

15- sniffs , “yeah, whatever …” Sounds painfully unoriginal.

16- Nearby, an armadillo sniffs a pile of papers.

17- He sniffs at the air experimentally with a frown.

18- Rainbow blows, stirs and sniffs it.

19- Smell my leaves.” Moxie took a few tentative sniffs .

20- Carver’s associates who kidnapped Kira are also sniffs .

21- He drinks out of the toilet and sniffs his friends’ asses.

22- The male then urinates and sniffs the female’s perineum.

23- The WSJ’s Eva Tam sniffs ou.

24- His dog sniffs at my trousers.

25- The dog sniffs its way along.

26- Now he sniffs cocaine, too.

27- Jancey sniffs over the coffee mugs on the carpet.

28- Her face lifts towards me and she sniffs and I touch her cheek.

29- Max Davidson sniffs out a bargain .

30- And whenever he wants to renew the experience, ne sniffs his own tie.

31- When the older dog trees he sniffs around the tree but then loses interest.

32- Georges Mandel says, “His long nose sniffs danger and responsibility from afar.

33- He sniffs , wipes his nostrils.

34- Wolfwood sniffs out Vera’s disguise, but does not blow her cover.

35- Latran pokes the wall, sniffs , shrugs.

36- And Then He sniffs His Fingers!

37- So suppose an adult sniffs glue making himself very ill and subsequently sues the glue manufacturer.

38- The idea is similar to ITV’s Scratch and sniffs Den of Doom.

39- Sapper tells him that they have it covered so Cutty sniffs some cocaine. I have made him wear a tee shirt and I’ve got it with me so I can have cheeky sniffs every night!

40- Ripeness and selection A customer in Malaysia sniffs durian before purchasing it.

41- ‘I may dress flash, but I’m no faggot,’ sniffs 18-year-old Kenny (Doll) Malloy, sporting a Lurex halter and tight satin pants.

42- When he comes across a human footprint at the ocean shore, he sniffs it and then starts hitting it, wanting revenge against the humans.

43- A local woman, who is out walking her dog, discovers Joe’s body at the edge of the lake, when her dog sniffs out his corpse.

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