sniffling in a sentence

Use ‘sniffling’ in a sentence | ‘sniffling’ example sentences

1- Not sniffling , it’s free flow.

2- I noticed only when Doreen was not sniffling .

3- Cleo turned away and rubbed her nose, sniffling loudly.

4- Many of the men are sniffling , sobbing.

5- The Human lead is a sniffling twerp whose background is not developed.

6- Suspicious wides would become a sniffling dogs la haha.

7- When she stopped sniffling , I asked whether she found a kleenex.

8- Antihistamines – help stop sneezing, sniffling , and itching.

9- Conversely, sniffling is considered acceptable, as an alternative to nose-blowing.

10- He was still sniffling and coughing, but he was also annoyingly restless.

11- So what are you taking for sniffling , runny nose and watery eye problems?

12- sniffling , Alana blotted her eyes with a cocktail napkin.

13- I am about to tell him when Henry arrives, sickly and sniffling .

14- Watch for wandering eyes, hands picking at fluff on your clothing and constant sniffling .

15- She waves goodbye to her sniffling parents to start her first day at boarding school .

16- After another long day of uninterrupted labor, this crafty minion began sniffling and sneezing.

17- Two of the ladies’ overcoats were sniffling , and with infinite discretion blowing their noses.

18- I was sniffling & sneezing.

19- Utena started and woke to the sound of someone quietly sniffling , as though just finished crying.

20- Here she comes, frantic and dressed for work, with coughing and sniffling tot in tow.

21- Double Noodle, Stars, Homestyle, we keep a variety on hand during the sniffling season.

22- Unfortunately, sometimes we are snuggling up next to the fire because we are also sniffling and sneezing.

23- He heard her sniffling .

24- That leads to sniffling .

25- Oregon As for Louisville , the Cardinals pushed out the Ducks 77-69, despite some sniffling .

26- With all of the coughing and sneezing and sniffling , it’s like a petri dish on wheels.

27- So I would besides start sniffling , my roseola would go and finally just imbibe they leave the swindler.

28- Dreamlife opens with her sniffling on the soundtrack as she collects for a nonexistent charity to make some cash.

29- Looking out the window and listening to that lady across the aisle sniffling just isn’t entertaining enough for you.

30- After Arie spent time working up a love potion with a local woman, Emily arrived, sniffling and teary-eyed.

31- As we hit the home stretch on cold and flu season, we’re all getting weary of sniffling and sneezing.

32- Glancing down to see brown rats moving confidently amongst the metal chairlegs, sniffling at the discarded sweet papers and orange peel.

33- For a short while she cried a bit more, the quiet weeping finally dying to sniffling , and then to breathing.

34- I was sitting in my usual position, sniffling and dabbing my eyes, when I realized Harley was no longer resting his head on the ottoman and looking up at me with that consummate Great Dane blend of sadness and devotion.

35- Mrs. Bowls, late Firkin, came and listened grimly in the passage to the hysterical sniffling and giggling which went on in the front parlour.

36- It is difficult to read newspapers without laying them out for a while, beforehand, and to read books while youre sniffling because that particular print is causing trouble.

37- Of course, when you begin to get better there are grapes and other luxuries not of everyday occurrences, but while you’re sniffling and fevering in bed, as red as a lobster and blazing hot, you are inclined to think it is a heavy price to pay for any concert, however raising.

38- I hate riding on airplanes, a girl the next row over was sniffling and sneezing the whole trip, and I am sure that is where I got it.

39- As he zooms around his apartment searching for it, his sniffling newlywed bride, Iris, complains about the draft he’s stirring up. I had trouble concentrating during the test because the guy beside me kept coughing and sniffling.

40- A sniffling and apologetic Ulbricht told Forrest he’s a changed man.

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