sniffles in a sentence

Use ‘sniffles’ in a sentence | ‘sniffles’ example sentences

1- One day her beautiful baby had the sniffles .

2- Within fifteen minutes, I had the sniffles .

3- Angry Kid sniffles , and tears start rolling down his cheeks.

4- The tears have finally stopped, the sniffles , too.

5- Colleen Wainwright provides the voice of sniffles .

6- Doreen, apart from the sniffles , was a silent worker.

7- Souza probably wouldn’t mind hearing a few sniffles , too.

8- You’ve got the sniffles , a cough and a fever.

9- They may stand between you and your next bout with the sniffles .

10- Maybe an occasional cold; every kid had the sniffles on and off.

11- It is not just the sniffles .

12- The Flash cartoon “Happy Tree Friends” features an anteater named sniffles .

13- But will anyone be open to sharing his sneezles and sniffles this cold season ?

14- Whatever the symptoms, you expect a lot of sniffles and coughs this week.

15- Prayers and hymns were sung , and hugs and smiles were exchanged behind tears and sniffles .

16- She smiles back and sniffles .

17- If I start symptoms of the sniffles , by the next day it’s forgotten.

18- Do you have the sniffles ?

19- Babe is pushed aside in the confusion, and sniffles to herself in the almost-empty courtroom.

20- I had some mild sniffles , but nothing that would keep me out of the game.

21- It’s snuff and sniffles and “you couldn’t make this stuff up” stuff.

22- Here are their expert tips for keeping pains, aches, sniffles , and sneezes at bay.

23- They are always getting sniffles or a snotty nose, a cough, or hurting their shins.

24- It was because, apart from sniffles , she was a blonde bombshell with a large bosom.

25- Akane’s tears had died to sniffles ; she gratefully took the tea and sipped it thirstily.

26- Aside from some sniffles , my moment of total gushy feeling sorry for myself, was almost over.

27- Save yourself from the sniffles and aches by bolstering your immune system with some natural, simple techniques.

28- So, how can someone tell if those sniffles they’re having is something to be concerned about?

29- Before I get around people when shopping or at the onset of sniffles , I take Airborne.

30- This will reduce sneezes and sniffles from allergic guests — and will leave your space feeling fresh and festive.

31- Get over the sniffles .

32- She sniffles slightly as she keeps her head down and stays silent, following Sun’s footsteps to the elevator.

33- First Tennessee highlights its sniffles n’ Snuggles center, an option for working parents when their children are sick.

34- Most of them related to childhood reports that were ultimately no-diagnosis because it was a cold or sniffles or whatever .

35- Another user writes: “Went to an annual big family Christmas reunion in Nevada and all the kids had sniffles .

36- But even with nighttime meds, it took longer than I was expecting to get some much-needed relief from the sniffles .

37- The fantastic felines in the video above either have a cold , bad allergies or just a case of the common sniffles .

38- Is it to stop the rain spoiling their designer hairstyles or is it because they may get damp and catch the sniffles ?

39- I’d rather do a neutral task like weeding all day than tackle a Buddleia and be stuck with itches and sniffles . For the artists, the temperature shocks have meant sniffles and colds.

40- Or why we’re all coughs and sniffles during the winter but are rarely sick in the summer?

41- In general, sniffles‘ deaths are slower and more painful than most of the other characters.

42- Li’l Sneezer Li’l Sneezer (voiced by Kath Soucie ), based on the classic animated mouse sniffles from the Looney Tunes shorts, is a young, gray male mouse who wears a diaper.

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