sniffled in a sentence

Use ‘sniffled’ in a sentence | ‘sniffled’ example sentences

1- The little girl sniffled , watching Robin closely.

2- She sniffled a couple of times and looked at him.

3- Again , she nodded, and even sniffled .

4- Thompson sniffled loudly when Frei described his childhood of abuse .

5- She sniffled once more and a few minutes later she was snoring again .

6- Nodoka sniffled , and dabbed at her eyes with a hanky.

7- Emma sniffled and wiped tears as she finished the passage for the third time.

8- I’m so sorry.” Akane sniffled , wiping ineffectively at her eyes.

9- Then Arias sniffled about how she will no longer be in family Christmas portraits.

10- The boy sniffled and stammered to say something, but the words would not come.

11- Pistorius had grimaced and sniffled as he watched Masipa call Pretoria’s High Court to order and read her verdict.

12- It was late spring and the whole campus was in bloom and I sniffled and sneezed my way through the entire conference.

13- Choking back tears, Lana sniffled , that might just be the best offer Ive had in a lifetime (1979s ACTION 498-499, by Bates, Swan and Chiaramonte & Colletta).

14- Nanami sniffled .

15- I lay no claim to sainthood, but I’m not the devil some of you want to think I am, either.” Chu-Chu sniffled and snuggled against her, closing his eyes and apparently falling asleep.

16- You think I’m an old maid.” “Gahh, no!” Miz sniffled and drew an arm over her breasts.

17- Miranda sniffled .

18- She sniffled .

19- Alina had sniffled her way through half a box of Kleenex from the glove compartment, and she seemed even more disinclined toward conversation than Pete.

20- Arias sniffled and seemed to choke up about how she will not be able to take photos at her sister’s wedding next year and won’t be able to hold her nieces and nephews.

21- ‘We’ve been cheated,’ sniffled Mrs Bingham-Jones, ‘We’ve lost everything’.

22- ” John Tavares was still under the weather and you could hear it in his voice as he sniffled during post game.

23- “You wake me up, tell me Utena is gone, drag me to Juri and Shiori’s room, not explaining anything…” She sniffled .

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