sniffle in a sentence

Use ‘sniffle’ in a sentence | ‘sniffle’ example sentences

1- The little girl sniffled , watching Robin closely.

2- I sailed through it without a sniffle and felt great.

3- One day her beautiful baby had the sniffles .

4- She began sniffle and then to weep silently.

5- Within fifteen minutes, I had the sniffles .

6- Not sniffling , it’s free flow.

7- Angry Kid sniffles , and tears start rolling down his cheeks.

8- The tears have finally stopped, the sniffles , too.

9- It is better to sniffle than to blow your nose.

10- I noticed only when Doreen was not sniffling .

11- Cleo turned away and rubbed her nose, sniffling loudly.

12- Doreen, apart from the sniffles , was a silent worker.

13- She sniffled a couple of times and looked at him.

14- You made me whole “–is a sniffle from his audience.

15- Again , she nodded, and even sniffled .

16- Then fine, I say, and sniffle .

17- Souza probably wouldn’t mind hearing a few sniffles , too.

18- At the mildest sniffle we reach for medicines.

19- Many of the men are sniffling , sobbing.

20- The Human lead is a sniffling twerp whose background is not developed.

21- Thompson sniffled loudly when Frei described his childhood of abuse .

22- I ‘m sure SSHC has a sniffle cure.

23- You’ve got the sniffles , a cough and a fever.

24- Also , can Wheels not sniffle into the mic?

25- They may stand between you and your next bout with the sniffles .

26- Suspicious wides would become a sniffling dogs la haha.

27- She sniffled once more and a few minutes later she was snoring again .

28- When she stopped sniffling , I asked whether she found a kleenex.

29- Maybe an occasional cold; every kid had the sniffles on and off.

30- Antihistamines – help stop sneezing, sniffling , and itching.

31- Conversely, sniffling is considered acceptable, as an alternative to nose-blowing.

32- Just a sniffle here and there.

33- It is not just the sniffles .

34- He was still sniffling and coughing, but he was also annoyingly restless.

35- Woke up on Wednesday with a slight sniffle and body ached.

36- So what are you taking for sniffling , runny nose and watery eye problems?

37- Sniffling , Alana blotted her eyes with a cocktail napkin.

38- I am about to tell him when Henry arrives, sickly and sniffling .

39- If they even sniffle , we call the vet,” Leneghan said.

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