sniffers in a sentence

Use ‘sniffers’ in a sentence | ‘sniffers’ example sentences

1- Another form of network attack worth noting is packet sniffers .

2- Approximately 40 were classified as chronic sniffers .

3- This will thwart most lazy port sniffers .

4- Packet sniffers are a dime a dozen .

5- Companies may use sniffers to monitor their network.

6- sniffers are basically data interception programs.

7- He ‘ll be lucky if they let him bust glue sniffers at the hobby shop.

8- This module uses the standard libpcap code that is part of tcpdump and other packet sniffers .

9- Law enforcement agencies use packet sniffers to monitor the system of suspicious persons such as online predators.

10- Can Cesar help these K9 sniffers learn to play together as well as they work together?

11- A few sniffers may use solvents in an attempt to blot out problems that they already have.

12- You sound like one of those paint sniffers who are too lazy to work in the first place.

13- Humans are very accurate sniffers , and we use the information gathered by our noses all the time.

14- sniffers monitor network traffic, evaluate network capacity, and can be used to reveal evidence of improper use.

15- While he is living there he is stopping glue sniffers and vandals killing the fish and ruining the countryside.

16- sniffers may be able to exercise some control over their hallucinations and use them as part of group activities.

17- There is far too much data gathered by these packet sniffers for human investigators to manually search through all of it.

18- Some companies go further than sniffers and use software which allows companies to block and monitor websites that they deem undesirable.

19- Often, after your machine has been compromised, hackers will leave sniffers on it in order to compromise other hosts.

20- After I declutter and seal up as much as possible….I may splurge on one of those dog sniffers .

21- In contrast to other sniffers like Wireshark , NetworkMiner’s display focuses on hosts and their attributes rather than raw packets.

22- It uses a more active approach to finding WAPs than passive sniffers such as Kismet or KisMAC . Read 4 reviews.

23- Leslie Russell from the Metropolitan Police Forensic science Laboratory told a Royal society of Chemistry meeting last week that gas chromatography could trace toluene in the blood of glue sniffers , by the same method used to detect flammable liquids in fires.

24- I’d prefer to that any kind of orthodoxy sniffers going around trying to decide what views lie outside the pale of academic freedom.

25- On the other hand, packet sniffers could be used by hackers to “sniff” over network transactions and monitor the transactions to extract information that is useful to them.

26- Your pass phrase may be passed over the network in the clear where it could be intercepted by network monitoring equipment, or the operator on a multi-user machine may install “keyboard sniffers ” to record your pass phrase as you type it in.

27- The use of unauthorized range extenders on our wireless network is expressly prohibited. – Compiling or storing intrusion programs, sniffers and password crackers. – Storing or distributing any copyrighted or trademarked software without the author’s written consent.

28- The deal would have been done by now but for Venables’s reservations about playing two penalty-area sniffers together without an orthodox No. 9 to provide an aerial target.

29- In other words, NGSCB is designed to provide a set of features and services that a software application can use to defend against malicious code that might also be running on the machine, such as viruses running in the main operating system, keyboard sniffers or frame grabbers.

30- Ryan, who is 24, immensely gifted, and capable of innocently stirring up much brouhaha from sniffers and supporters alike as to whether his work merits the attention it’s received, is off to UCLA grad school this fall so won’t be here to kick around much longer.

31- Whilst switches appear to protect against sniffers THERE ARE WAYS to “trick” the switch which can enable you to start sniffing.

32- Packet sniffers One of the more common ways intruders gain access to multiple systems on your network is by employing a packet sniffer on a already compromised host.

33- Running remote X applications over a network also can be fraught with peril, allowing sniffers to see all your interaction with the remote system.

34- Tools might range from specialized software or hardware tools (e.g., network sniffers , vulnerability scanners) to measurement and recording devices (e.g., stopwatches, cameras, video recorders) to checklists used to measure adherence to defined processes and procedures.

35- Packet sniffers and other security exploits can expose you to credit card fraud, identity theft, or hacking of various online services (i.e. email, social networking).

36- XM-3 The XM-3 airborne personnel detector was a helicopter mounted personnel detector and the second version of the people sniffers.

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