snidely in a sentence

Use ‘snidely’ in a sentence | ‘snidely’ example sentences

1- Fundraising historian Wendy snidely says the issue very nearly led to war.

2- What a hypocrite he and his snidely sidekick Balls are.

3- Or people will snidely ask you if maybe UFO aliens did it.

4- snidely and superior, he tends to look down on everyone around him.

5- He then observes snidely that Lavinia is the most interesting criminal of all.

6- This upset the roadie who snidely referred to the couple as “unprofessional”.

7- Here snidely Whiplash pauses long enough from beating his children to explain it to us.

8- Yet your only sources here are precisely that media and ” commentariat” you so snidely dismiss.

9- Gabe then snidely reminds Andy that he does not need his permission, since he is his superior.

10- Theres the snidely animated dance of the lemons and Michelle Rhees teacher bashing in Waiting for Superman.

11- Snickering snidely , Vertigo left her to die in the ruins of the collapsing temple they were in.

12- Groener enjoyed this, saying “You don’t have to be snidely Whiplash to be evil.

13- Secure in the belief that the sound has been cut off, he snidely berates his audience as mindless clods.

14- Catfish Hunter and Ken Holtzman also went for the bonus, but Fingers with his snidely Whiplash took the prize.

15- His Terl is the cackling villain we’ve seen in all those bad old B-movies and serials and snidely Whiplash melodramas.

16- It looks like some sort of prop for a cheap sci-fi movie, a mutant robo-rabbit with glowing red eyes, but it’s more snidely humorous than evil.

17- A shot outside Arco Arena was explained: For all you folks in Eureka, that’s what we call a freeway, he said snidely .

18- Bond flew there in a seaplane and first saw her in a bikini during a formal lunch conversation, snidely commenting: “Aren’t we a little overdressed?” Scaramanga added: “I like a girl in a bikini.

19- His rival is Professor Fate (Jack Lemmon, dressed in black, of course, and doing his best snidely Whiplash impression), a mustachioed ne’er do well whose mission in life is bringing down Leslie by whatever means are necessary.

20- And Khrushchev was under enormous pressure from within the Kremlin to keep the fundraising machine in Cuba going, even if it met war,” said snidely .

21- As the game itself opens with Maxwell snidely informing the player of their gaunt appearance and includes little further story, the game’s setup is told through its trailer.

22- After visiting the Lower East Side of New York while searching for one of Sally’s friends, and being snidely dismissed by one of the young people there as a bottle blonde, she dyes her hair brunette.

23- After expressing her feelings of misanthropy to Tony, however, her brother snidely remarks to her that she “doesn’t fool “, suggesting that she is more vulnerable than her guarded and apparent aloofness may lead others to believe.

24- After she leaves Deelishis snidely says that New York is a “loony” and begins to read the Flav-O-Gram aloud again and discovers that New York said slicking where the Flav-O-Gram said slicing.

25- Ryan takes this opportunity to taunt David, snidely declaring that, while they both may have lost their daughters, at least he (Ryan) is getting his back.

26- At the airport, Nellie rebuffs an attempted hug from Toby, snidely brushes aside his comment about a relationship she ended by saying she un-followed him on Facebook (Toby quietly says anyone can read non-protected tweets) and declines his offer to share a cab into town.

27- On a television talk show, however, Nick, Bridget, Whip and Jackie heard that Owen had declared that she was nothing but his “cougar fantasy woman” and then snidely told her on TV, that she’d been Punk’d.

28- Carlotta would always snidely remind Kathleen that she was only Big Guy’s “second” wife and thus, was only her “stepmother-in-law”.

29- Sneaking out to feed Tabby again, Mildred is confronted by Ethel, who snidely tells her that she untied the boat and let it drift out to sea.

30- Droopy also had cameos in all three subsequently-produced Roger Rabbit shorts, “Tummy Trouble” (again he’s an elevator operator), “Roller Coaster Rabbit” (he plays a bad guy dressed as snidely Whiplash), and “Trail Mix-Up” (he plays a scuba diver).

31- Dudley Do-Right is a Canadian Mountie in constant pursuit of his nemesis, snidely Whiplash, who sports the standard “villain” attire of black top hat, cape, and over-sized moustache.

32- They’re a hair off being hand wringing maniacs with snidely Whiplash moustaches – and we’re supposed to pour their product all over stuff we’re putting in our bodies?

33- About the snidely Whiplash aspect: a lot of what appears to be evil practice can be explained with the strange beast that is the publishing business, but it doesn’t explain away the complete lack of respect shown to writers by major publishers.

34- Today, Obama’s critics snidely , but rightly, may ask whether Beck and company speak for the President of the United States. Riders board cartoon logs and journey “into” the story, where snidely has sinisterly captured Nell Fenwick.

35- Sam Vimes snidely remarks that Vetinari will demand some are allowed on the Watch before too long.

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