snide in a sentence

Use ‘snide’ in a sentence | ‘snide’ example sentences

1- Your snide comment suggests you feel yourself above this fray.

2- My friends started making snide remarks about him.

3- I wasn’t kidding or being overly snide .

4- As I said , ” snide implication”.

5- So keep your snide comments to yourself .

6- Even just a snide comment can hurt.

7- Other patrons discourage its use with dirty looks and snide comments.

8- She then ended the conversation with a few snide weight remarks .

9- He’s got a nasty snide way of putting things.

10- On his behalf, I retract your snide remark.

11- Stay away from the people who pass snide remarks .

12- It was a snide remark to your dramatic one .

13- There’s no need to be snide .

14- These indie developers are getting quite tenacious with their snide little remarks .

15- Often trades snide remarks for comic relief with Randy and Jack.

16- She makes a snide remark about one less actor in Hollywood.

17- It was unpleasantly snide about the circumstances of his second marriage.

18- But be prepared for snide , inconsiderate remarks.

19- The majority of which were smug and snide .

20- Your smug & snide attitude is crafting you into the perfect tool.

21- I would love to make some snide remarks about your question.

22- Blake seems the type to make more snide comments then CP3.

23- He usually keeps to himself and can be rather snide when approached.

24- I can still hear it in her snide , pompous voice.

25- Mrs. Trentham marks the event with several snide comments about her.

26- Position the snide asides as the performance problems that they are.

27- It’s shabby, it’s snide and it’s low.

28- What an appallingly ignorant, judgmental and snide article.

29- Your snide remark directed at Wilma was uncalled for .

30- Your ideal guy is a lot taller and a lot snider than that ?

31- No amount of backbiting or snide remarks is going to change this trend.

32- Cartiers and snide Cartiers with the paint peeling off.

33- Alt-country band Clem snide is named for a Burroughs character.

34- The two trade frequent snide remarks and at one point almost begin a duel.

35- snider lives part-time in East Setauket, New York.

36- Hurtful, snide criticism by the Simon Cowells of the world.

37- The voice of Price can once again be heard, giving a snide warning.

38- I , too, have heard snide comments about how dodgy American electronics are.

39- There were repeated sly and snide attacks on the Jewish faith & its practitioners.

40- Please stop with the snide rudeness. All a snide comment like that does is annoy me, and shut down the discussion.

41- The Germans should have thought about that earlier, comes a snide French response.

42- We are subjected to subtle racism, through snide comments and small everyday prejudices.

43- They don’t want me to make snide remarks on Facebook; I won’t make snide remarks on Facebook.

44- His familiar, snide drawl registered so well with listeners that he quickly became a popular guest on network radio shows.

45- He makes several snide remarks to the effect that Johnson resembles some kind of ape.

46- One, Aoi Kiriya, is taking pictures of girls on the bus and the three initially make snide remarks about Karin.

47- He could be snide about his colleagues, too – and it’s a fair bet that he had skeletons in his cupboard at the nick in Romford where he worked previously.

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