snickers in a sentence

Use ‘snickers’ in a sentence | ‘snickers’ example sentences

1- snickers has annual global sales of $2 billion.

2- Deep fried everything from veggies to snickers .

3- The fried snickers was ordered out of curiosity more than anything .

4- The European version features extensive advertisements for snickers candy bars.

5- I am sure there is someone who will enjoy snickers .

6- Somebody behind me snickers and my heart feels caught up.

7- Some bars aren’t much healthier than a snickers ® .

8- I hear the laughter and I hear the snickers .

9- The Crew’s initial jersey sponsorship was with snickers .

10- We took on snickers , her parrot.

11- My husband is wants me to find snickers a new home.

12- I am going to buy a box of snickers right now.

13- I went up four sizes thanks to Starbucks and snickers .

14- The brief campaign was locally known as the snickers Gap War.

15- I hope you brought a snickers barG>.

16- How come bought these mini snickers for there?

17- It is the only snickers bar to contain energy stimulants.

18- You could reach for a snickers bar and tame the hunger !

19- A normal giggle, not like her usual snickers .

20- And here is a picture of a Japanese snickers Bar.

21- snickers the dog only tolerated our silliness.

22- snickers – for the class giggler 21.

23- I ended up choosing what the cashier guy recommended : snickers flavor.

24- snickers is a brand name chocolate bar made by Mars, Incorporated.

25- Girlfriend said, “These are better than snickers !

26- snickers is a year old Golden Doodle.

27- The choice to link snickers with Mr T was clearly well researched.

28- Chop 4 of the snickers , add to salad and mix.

29- K- ‘concoct’ :: snickers :: oh, yes.

30- This horse snickers had an immune problem and foundered in this hoof.

31- Be careful to make sure the whole snickers is covered in cookie dough.

32- When the snickers start, I know what he’s really drawing.

33- Megane snickers slightly before Gary nudges him.

34- You got king-size snickers which I didn’t want.

35- Hah!” He snickers to himself as he shakes his head.

36- Is one of them more culpable if they eat a snickers ?

37- A frozen snickers Bar is about the consistency of a cinder block.

38- Should they subsidize fruits and vegetables , making fresh blueberries competitive with snickers ?

39- After being fed a snickers bar, he resumes having fun with the humans. But Mars has been successful with ads for its snickers candy bar during the past few years.

40- There’s deep-fried snickers and deep-fried pizza along with Scotch eggs and shepherd’s pie.

41- Thomas appeared in commercials for snickers and Nike and in 311 ‘s music video for “Flowing”.

42- In 1990 Bobby Hillin drove for Stavola Brothers Racing in the snickers Buick, marking the candy’s first appearance as a sponsor.

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