snickering in a sentence

Use ‘snickering’ in a sentence | ‘snickering’ example sentences

1- There was much snickering in the gallery.

2- I eventually quit when the humiliation and snickering got too intense.

3- Dean had rubbed teaberry leaves into his hair while snickering .

4- snickering is surely one of the ugliest noises in human language.

5- Besides the crudeness of his snickering , he is grossly inaccurate.

6- Alright Beavis, you can stop snickering now.

7- She asked what they were snickering about, and they told her.

8- I entered in all the information briskly, snickering as I did.

9- I found myself snickering and laughing at the strangest parts of the film.

10- There’s few more enduring sources of knowing snickering than behind bars lovin’.

11- When enough people are snickering at you , eventually you start to wonder why.

12- He and his wife reportedly were particularly upset by a snickering item in Gawker .

13- No more snickering when your stiff, struggling, ambivalent lines are forced on us.

14- These are the leering, snickering films aimed at a hormonally hobbled teenage audience.

15- Those in the know were snickering behind there hands at those who were acting soused.

16- I think I caught one of the teachers snickering at me at this point.

17- But just when all looked lost, was the sound of snickering in the hallway.

18- It’s throbbing and wet, snickering at your hangups, laughing at your conventions.

19- So if her grades were 4.0 would that change some of you people from snickering ?

20- It was easy to spot the prankster(s); everyone in the room was snickering !

21- This three minutes that had me snickering right on into a full on guffaw more than once .

22- It was also a reaction against something particularly American: the little boy snickering that women had breasts.

23- And they were narrated with a snickering self-satisfaction, a dated coyness, which Greg found unappetizing.

24- Nothing – not even the end of the world – could keep Sam from snickering over that.

25- His trademark is snickering .

26- snickering snidely, Vertigo left her to die in the ruins of the collapsing temple they were in.

27- Welcome to the party , dude, Mr. Korine seems to be saying (or is he snickering ?

28- In the taxi on our way into town we had our fellow Cornellians snickering and chuckling to themselves.

29- He left AlLat to emerge into bright sunlight, and heard from behind his back a little snickering laugh.

30- They will soon learn how wrong they are , and the Democrats will be laughing and snickering all the while.

31- Then he fell again and crawled forward, trailing the wire through the grass with the broken peg snickering behind it.

32- Once again, its an agreement that means nothing and the Russians are still snickering over it, I am sure.

33- Does he have anything to say about the power supply (suggestions, excuses, apologies, snickering laughter….)?

34- Harcrit couldn’t contain his snickering when the dwarven warrior leading the group proclaimed himself a sergeant in the Ironheart Adventuring Company.

35- His first game was a real dog, however, and he amused me after one particularly disastrous frame by saying, “See, you can’t show up in all this,” he explained, waving his gear around (be quiet, Mr. Graham, I hear you snickering ), “And throw like that.

36- When he’s too fed up with the supermarket stares and the Snow White remarks, he unleashes his anger at the local bar, hoping the snickering and whispers will finally stop.

37- Basically my friend was the only one dancing and having a good time while everyone else stood around like zombies waiting for the main act and snickering at MC Chris.

38- By the time the CB staff are on their third bow, the job is complete as they scurry away unseen, snickering to themselves.

39- Trip and fall in a stream, and immediately gun down anybody you see snickering at your misfortune, claiming it was justified. 5. Machina becomes concerned at this “coincidence,” and Souichi-snickering-offers her one last chance to correct her misdeed.

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