snickered in a sentence

Use ‘snickered’ in a sentence | ‘snickered’ example sentences

1- I snickered and disrupted everyone around me.

2- Radio Row had snickered at him before.

3- I didn’t really understand that and snickered under my breath.

4- Actually most snickered at what they were shown .

5- I showed your article to my family and they snickered lol.

6- They snickered at her assumption of its use.

7- A few snickered when they appeared, but the rest were watchful.

8- I snickered and made a comment.

9- He looked at us and snickered .

10- He smiled mischievously, snickered , and dropped his gaze deliberately to my lips.

11- Level 5!” snickered Priss, nudging Linna with her elbow.

12- Two of the others snickered as if it were some kind of a joke.

13- Bert had never seen young short fat Japanese women in before, so he snickered back.

14- Have you never been cold?” The students snickered at the young man’s question.

15- Damian snickered at his daring.

16- Hatch snickered , a touch of humour, responding well to Cowley’s cool cynicism.

17- The younger, a stocky brown cob, snickered and turned to look at them.

18- Burns knew something was wrong when the audience ignored his jokes but snickered at Gracie’s questions.

19- The two greys snickered in reply, blowing out their lips and twitching their ears upon hearing their names.

20- My wife is the manager of an operations branch of a major bank , and snickered at your comment though.

21- I looked at him and kind of snickered and said ” Whatcha need a gun in Ace Hardware for Gumby?

22- She threw her arms round the horse’s neck and in return, it flicked its ears and snickered with pleasure.

23- Truthfully, I silently snickered at the person thinking about their level of ignorance, but it got me to thinking.

24- The man near the table snickered and rejoined his companions, snatching the sack out of Jack’s hand as he passed.

25- The 1950-1955 Cleveland Browns Rival teams snickered when the Cleveland Browns joined the NFL from a rival league in 1950, but the Browns silenced them by trouncing the defending NFL champions, the Philadelphia Eagles, in the Browns’ first NFL game.

26- Roger snickered again.

27- But just as I put in one, Miss Sary sorter snickered at somethin, and you think boys I did’nt swaller the tater whole.

28- Evidently he was more tired than he thought. (Inside him, a piece of darkness snickered .) Sean waited a few minutes, then went up to the tree.

29- Nice shoes by the way.” He snickered as I undid the paper belt and opened up the back to reveal my ample behind, the mole resting a few inches above my left cheek.

30- Is he like you?” “Yes, he likes me.” The old man blinked, and the silver-haired thug snickered .

31- I snickered .

32- Mainstream America snickered at warnings by California Congressman James B. Utt that “barefooted Africans” were training in Georgia to help the United Nations take over the country.

33- We slipped and slithered out of the stable courtyard where horses moved and snickered , past the Templar church and down to the gleaming lakeside.

34- Beltway elites snickered .

35- Zlotoff had briefly snickered at this request before, because Rosen had just taken twice the time to object that Zlotoff had taken to question me, and then the question of procedure had come up.

36- The Court could have just snickered and moved on, as this is a textbook case of somebody very openly trying to cheat their creditors.

37- On several occasions, I’ve stumbled upon some people celebrating for whatever reason, and snickered , ‘what’s happened to them that’s worth partying over?’ That, of course, is just being grumpy; it seems to come easier with age.

38- To those that snickered , he proclaimed: “Honi soit qui mal y pense”, or “shame upon him who thinks evil upon it”, which became the order’s motto.

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