snicker in a sentence

Use ‘snicker’ in a sentence | ‘snicker’ example sentences

1- snickers has annual global sales of $2 billion.

2- He has no dialogue besides a single snicker .

3- There was much snickering in the gallery.

4- Deep fried everything from veggies to snickers .

5- I snickered and disrupted everyone around me.

6- I snicker as I start riding again.

7- The fried snickers was ordered out of curiosity more than anything .

8- I eventually quit when the humiliation and snickering got too intense.

9- We aren’t even vaguely tempted to snicker .

10- You’d snicker and call then foolish.

11- Radio Row had snickered at him before.

12- Dean had rubbed teaberry leaves into his hair while snickering .

13- I didn’t really understand that and snickered under my breath.

14- But who am I to judge that * snicker *.

15- Celebrate away, while people who know real freedom snicker .

16- Somebody behind me snickers and my heart feels caught up.

17- I hear the laughter and I hear the snickers .

18- Bruno doesn’t get why people start to snicker .

19- You snicker at the ethical for accepting their liabilities.

20- NASCAR drivers used to snicker at wearing protective neck and head restraints .

21- Major snicker to the team that signs him .

22- Actually most snickered at what they were shown .

23- Try not to snicker too loudly out there.

24- I won’t laugh I promise ( snicker ).

25- After doing this awhile, just a snicker will suffice.

26- I showed your article to my family and they snickered lol.

27- Not a laugh, snicker , not a smile.

28- How come bought these mini snickers for there?

29- They snickered at her assumption of its use.

30- snickering is surely one of the ugliest noises in human language.

31- Don’t snicker when I say that!

32- Okay, so I snicker at that.

33- As a certain rapper * snicker * wrote a few months ago….

34- A normal giggle, not like her usual snickers .

35- A few snickered when they appeared, but the rest were watchful.

36- snickers the dog only tolerated our silliness.

37- snickerS – for the class giggler 21.

38- I ended up choosing what the cashier guy recommended : snickers flavor.

39- Mention snoring and people tend to snicker .

40- Sorry but I gotta snicker at Sara ‘s comment…. That bemusement, punctuated by a collective snicker, found a voice online.

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