sneezes in a sentence

Use ‘sneezes’ in a sentence | ‘sneezes’ example sentences

1- She stays awake via solar powered sneezes .

2- He sneezes saw dust and other things.

3- sneezes occurring in rapid and several sequences.

4- The bird then ” sneezes ” the brine out.

5- She sneezes once out in the open.

6- She sneezes again and again, till she’s emptied.

7- Part of the study featured high-speed imaging of sneezes .

8- sneezes are devastatingly effective at spreading infection.

9- She barely coughs or sneezes anymore at night.

10- As he rides away to get the laundry he repeatedly sneezes .

11- Head sneezes off , head comes off, head drops prank illusion scare!

12- sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.

13- Cabin H coughs and sneezes at inappropriate times.

14- Every day, Sara sneezes when the company dog walks by.

15- When McKinsey sneezes , English health policy catches a cold.

16- We can’t keep plotting a new course each time Google sneezes .

17- When someone with a cold sneezes on you, youre infected immediately.

18- sneezes are not the only way of catching a cold.

19- Oh dear, you have got the sneezes haven’t you?

20- If IBM sneezes , they say, the World gets cold.

21- The laughter abruptly changed into sneezes and the handkerchief routine was gone through again.

22- Flu is spread mostly in the air , by coughs and sneezes .

23- When South Africa sneezes , the PGM market gets a cold.

24- The dragon sneezes , blowing the two of them to the moon.

25- Here, Alan interviews a nun over whom he sneezes blood by mistake.

26- This book is about a dog which always sneezes and disturbs his owner.

27- Katai is returned to mortal form after Boz accidentally sneezes on him.

28- The interval between successive sneezes was fewer than 19 seconds in 85% of respondents.

29- It was great for scaring girls or for jokes like really gross fake sneezes .

30- Karate Kid sneezes , remarking that he must have picked up a cold.

31- Cover your coughs and sneezes with your arm, not your hand.

32- When one person sneezes , it goes all the way through the aircraft.

33- But that ‘s like crediting sneezes as the causes of head colds .

34- Most germs are spread when a sick person coughs, sneezes , or talks.

35- It is spread when an infected cat coughs or sneezes or by casual contact.

36- Little Das takes a whiff of the corpse, but he sneezes violently.

37- Respiratory hygiene: Advise people to cover their coughs and sneezes .

38- He rubs his eyes quite hard, blows his nose hard and sneezes very loudly.

39- He follows his opponent, but then sneezes again, giving Pulsar some warning. Our conversation was interrupted by his sneezes.

40- Because the influenza virus is airborne, take care to cover coughs and sneezes.

41- The measles virus is highly contagious, spread by respiratory droplets in sneezes and coughs.

42- Measles is highly contagious and spreads when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes.

43- His allergies trigger exaggerated, explosive, gale -forced sneezes capable of seriously damaging or destroying buildings as Elmyra had the misfortune of finding out.

44- For live television broadcasts, they may also operate a profanity delay (which can also drop coughs and sneezes in addition to profanity ).

45- ” Jones and Hare demonstrate how talking pictures have changed a restful evening in a theater into a noisy onslaught of “sneezes, squawks, and squeals.

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