sneezed in a sentence

Use ‘sneezed’ in a sentence | ‘sneezed’ example sentences

1- I sneezed more times in heavy force.

2- He sneezed very violently, causing severe back pain.

3- I always sneezed and she always laughed.

4- She only sneezed once in that hour.

5- The bride sneezed once and just as we were leaving.

6- The humans speculate that the beacon was accidentally contaminated when someone sneezed .

7- When I sneezed , they offered me tissues.

8- This deal is not to be sneezed at.

9- And then it happened – Emily sneezed .

10- Children sneezed and cried and ran about in a fever.

11- The baby sneezed then wiped its nose while it continued to sleep.

12- It looks like someone sneezed on the other one.

13- Appetite better BUT bad headache which killed when I sneezed .

14- I sneezed twice and got out of there pronto.

15- So what would you expect if Superman ‘s sneezed ?

16- Only True sneezed and snuffed and blew and went on digging.

17- Serve him right if she sneezed all over him.

18- The drying lather got up his nose, and he sneezed .

19- At worst , someone was trying to fix a blemish and sneezed .

20- Lachlan sneezed , and suddenly his crazy eyes came to a focus.

21- She immediately sneezed and perked up, and her eyes opened wide.

22- He sneezed disdainfully, as white powder showered over him.

23- No I haven’t I just sneeze sneezed .

24- Upstairs Mrs Thatcher sipped coffee and sneezed .

25- The way his mother used to say bless you every time he sneezed .

26- Lorrie Bungo ‘s legs used to go numb when she sneezed .

27- And she had a cold: she sneezed almost immediately after I came in.

28- If a woman sneezed in my country, someone would call her a feminist.

29- They were worse if he coughed or sneezed and straining would increase the pain.

30- On the piano was the one where Daddy sneezed just as the photograph was taken.

31- Eight weeks ago a member of my family sneezed , fell backwards and broke his hip!

32- I couldn’t blow my nose and had to open my mouth when she sneezed .

33- Utena sneezed , and dustbunnies scattered before the blast like sheep before a marauding wolf.

34- In the days of rock bottom underground pay, 20 was not to be sneezed at.

35- Suddenly True paused, sniffed, sneezed , blew through his nose and began to dig.

36- But we are talking riotous nonsense, and that’s not to be sneezed at.

37- The second autobiography told a different story: He was hiding under the scenery when he sneezed .

38- Your child may contract a virus by breathing infected respiratory droplets coughed or sneezed into the air. He sneezed into his soup, and it was really gross.

39- He spent an hour working on building a house of cards, and then it toppled over when he sneezed.

40- Before Hiccup is sneezed out, he jams his helmet into the Green Death’s fire-holes.

41- For example, when a customer sneezed all over a comic, Rocko gave him a fresh copy and did not charge him for the previous comic.

42- Ozzy, Drix and Drix’s dog confronted Protozilla at Hector’s nose and when Hector sneezed, Protozilla was sucked out and killed.

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