sneers in a sentence

Use ‘sneers’ in a sentence | ‘sneers’ example sentences

1- They are shunned and spoken of in whispers and sneers .

2- He then moves to his final perch and sneers .

3- No one sneers about her weakness for shoes these days.

4- Myers was the object of many sneers and jeers in 2013 .

5- The training officer distracted them with sneers at their tameness.

6- Hornbeck sneers at Brady and calls him a political loser.

7- How do you like it now, Columbus sneers .

8- Transcript, Sept. 30, 1830, sneers at the pretension.

9- Claud Cockburn sneers at the forgotten bestselling novelist W J Locke.

10- It heard the sneers of His persecutors because of His lowly birth.

11- If anyone sneers , tell them Which? told you to do it.

12- Perp: ( sneers ) You can’t prove any of that.

13- One sneers at the fact that the groundnuts have apparently been turned into sunflowers.

14- He sneers at the arguments against it: self-sufficiency and the tired old cultural card.

15- And I do mean everything,” sneers a face that emerges from a floor.

16- She is against dating and often ” sneers at the idiocy of teenage social life”.

17- He believes in mindless memorizing and also sneers Rancho’s ideas just like Virus.

18- The group was received with sneers , and O’Connell’s sincerity was questioned.

19- Envy sneers with trumpeter’s lips.

20- He holds the revolutionaries in contempt and often makes sarcastic sneers , something that confuses them.

21- When he sneers that Kant was most proud of his categories that is from Lange.

22- He just sneers at it .

23- Marr sneers through on auto while Morrissey flails, unsure, agitated, scared near to panic.

24- David Thewlis sneers as required.

25- Dracula sneers that Spike is common and unworthy, and asks who was responsible for his creation.

26- The heavens didn’t weep above his head, nor did the fat-cheeked clouds assume sneers of calamity.

27- Somehow or other she managed to dodge the sneers and jibes of the critics and columnists.

28- By your bored glances and sneers , make it clear that too many questions are inappropriate and irrelevant.

29- Relling sneers at the notion, and insists that Hjalmar will be a drunk within a year.

30- Xue Qian sneers as the true Benedict appears, and then sees the daggers spin over her head.

31- Robin’s troubles at home increase, as he has to cope with his father’s anger and sneers .

32- sneers and grimaces are mostly merited if the wearer in question has chosen the bold striped, bright blue version.

33- The GTX Titan sneers at both cards , and turns in frame rates of 83 fps and 46 fps respectively.

34- Jungle, drum and bass and Bowie’s signature accented effete sneers all meet in one captivating set of songs.

35- The first young man sneers at her as she retreats and wipes his mouth off his face with his hand.

36- I do find it interesting that you think the aforementioned sneers and grimaces are merited for any situation, really.

37- Nor do I consider your sneers (a reference to Theo’s occasional sarcasm) aimed expressly at me….

38- Whenever Alex sneers or banters to Amanda, she seems to enjoy the intellectual challenge and she calmly retorts back.

39- When you read it, you’ll see pretty early on that Hessler never mocks or sneers , but explains.

40- When a train rumbles overhead he leans towards the Trinidadian and sneers , ‘Hey, Sambo, hear that? “They would not pluck a hair for liberty,” Brutus sneers contemptuously.

41- In professional darts, throwing 26 usually results in sneers or laughter from the audience.

42- Dracula sneers that Spike is common and unworthy, and asks who was responsible for his creation.

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