sneeringly in a sentence

Use ‘sneeringly’ in a sentence | ‘sneeringly’ example sentences

1- Many spoke sneeringly of the new subjects.

2- Doreen’s lip curled sneeringly as she uttered the word.

3- Both Romans and Greeks sneeringly deemed vulgar the persons engaged in those acts.

4- And he added somewhat sneeringly , ‘Jesus loves little children, they say.

5- He nodded sneeringly to Mr. Weasley and continued down the line to his seats.

6- He sneeringly tells Becky that she needs to stop living in a fantasy world and grow up.

7- How often will anti-Europeans sneeringly bait him by reminding the House that he is about to bail out?

8- He continued to gaze sneeringly at Labordette, who was drinking his coffee in the midst of the ladies.

9- It got you from A to B in one piece, as Adam’s father remarked sneeringly of it.

10- Cherubini was in attendance for the first performances of Beethoven’s opera “Fidelio”, to which he reacted sneeringly .

11- Here he was coarsely accused by his persecutors, and sneeringly questioned by the priest, and reviled by the whole assembly.

12- In a previous review, I sneeringly referred to Ann as “usually a boring and predictable tap specialist.” 8 Well, here’s where Ann makes a liar, not to say an idiot, out of me, because she’s a triple delight as actor, singer, and dancer in this film.

13- Most of the stale “status quo” will be sneeringly suspicious of anything that doesn’t fit into their tiny box of preconceived notions.

14- Robbie echoed sneeringly .

15- The paper slammed Labor’s “wholly negative campaign, sneeringly denouncing Peter Debnam’s small business record – breathtaking stuff from a Government led by a man whose chief professional experience before Parliament was advising shyster and fixer Graham Richardson.

16- He meets Henry on the road to the house, sneeringly comparing the two of them to Jacob and Esau, and ominously says that Henry has chosen his fate by not agreeing to the Master’s plan to go to India.

17- He once found David Tindle experimenting with abstraction and, pointing at one picture, sneeringly asked: ‘Well, what is it?

18- Nevertheless he was widely disliked and distrusted by the political elite, who were suspicious of all they sneeringly called “press lords.

19- On their pumping new single, ‘Gold’, which is bizarrely reminiscent of New Order circa 1984, East 17 go for the sneeringly philosophical angle, insisting that ‘life is worth more than gold’.

20- Snuff are what the Manics sneeringly refer to as ‘a T-shirt band’ – meaning a group of young southern Englishmen forever willing to amble about in Transit van land and getting the occasional play on rubbish indie radio shows that nobody with any taste listens to.

21- Remember the line in the Mel Brooks movie Blazing Saddles where one of the cowboys is offered a tin shield and sneeringly says , “Badges?

22- City ‘s detractors employ them to sneeringly highlight the perceived gap in quality or technical ability when they face seemingly superior Premier League rivals.

23- But Westwood reminds us that fashion choices – despite the fact they are often sneeringly looked down on as insignificant female frivolity – do matter .

24- When Waleed sneeringly demanded to know what a black man ( he used the N-word) was doing working at MI5, it was doubly shocking for being the same question Edward felt his colleagues silently asking.

25- While the good shows are fondly remembered and bad ones sneeringly dismissed and referenced at all possible intervals (hey, did you guys ever see My Mother the Car?

26- IN the second number of the American Publishers’ Circular (G. W. Childs) there is an admirable paper upon literary piracy, in reply to the London Atheneum, which lately sneeringly said: “English novelists supplied America with one new novel a fortnight throughout the entire twelve months.

27- “Pray what kind of a cane was it?” asked a gentleman, sneeringly .

28- ‘So come on, Mr Burns,’ the voice said sneeringly , ‘what gives?

29- A switchboard operator who asked its location was sneeringly told: ‘That’s for you to find out.’

30- ‘Your ancestors were gracious to their servants, Nuadu of the Silver Arm,’ he said, sneeringly .

31- Shortly after the case I was walking down the street and a policeman went past, laughed sneeringly and said, ‘Got you, didn’t we?’

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