sneering in a sentence

Use ‘sneering’ in a sentence | ‘sneering’ example sentences

1- Smith’s decision was met with “some public sneering .

2- He is always prepared to shield her from sneering comments .

3- Too many sneering people on the sidelines!

4- She came off more like a sneering witch than a psychic.

5- Laura Belle suggests that Pearl ignore his sneering remarks.

6- It almost seemed to be sneering at her.

7- In Slinger ‘s sneering performance such moments are rare.

8- They realised that people were sneering at them.

9- A sneering face gazed at the caged men.

10- I mean really, really sneering at my friendship with Jonathan.

11- And don’t ever stand over me sneering about fake injuries.

12- And I heard his story and his tears with sneering disdain.

13- Death had never heard that voice, high and sneering , before.

14- The sneering curl to his lip made the question a deliberate insult.

15- Lacuna’s lips curled into a sneering smile.

16- This is just sadistic sneering , wrapped up in psychobabble.

17- If it had a face, it would have been sneering .

18- See him now, sneering in the captive’s face.

19- Doyle smiled, with sneering triumph, thinking he had given up.

20- But see how I can say that without sneering ?

21- He began sneering and giving vent to disagreeable witticisms.

22- There’s nothing sneering or sniggering about it.

23- The sneering was heavy but unavoidable.

24- You can imagine Nick Hewer sneering as he says the words.

25- D’Arquebus himself was at once sneering and praying for clarity.

26- Whatever reaction Doyle had expected, he hadn’t expected a sneering laugh.

27- They died sneering at their captors.

28- I don’t go in for sneering much myself, these days.

29- Judith’s slightly sneering comment about Lambie at 4.58pm refers.

30- A sneering , arrogant, unchivalrous lout .

31- One the cover she is sneering at Flash, but still looks female.

32- Lips parted in a sneering snarl, showing clenched teeth.

33- Ladd is particularly good as sneering Mr Fixit to his boss.

34- But its sneering headline says a lot about the editorial staff ‘s maturity level.

35- Even my teasing was nice, even my sneering and spitting at him.

36- Prulliere would thereupon begin sneering with a wrathful expression.

37- For us to respond with sneering anti-Americanism is the merest childishness.

38- Indeed rival networks could not help sneering at Zucker ‘s wall-to-wall coverage.

39- All Platell has to her credit is this dreary weekly anthology of petty sneering . When he mounted the platform, he delivered his last sneering reference to Jewish scripture, snapping “Purim-Fest 1946!

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