sneered in a sentence

Use ‘sneered’ in a sentence | ‘sneered’ example sentences

1- They sneered “too proud or too scared?

2- My father sneered slightly, though it was said evenly enough.

3- The old man sneered , but he was more subdued.

4- He sneered a smile over his coffee cup.

5- Many West Point graduates sneered at political generals.

6- This baby then slowly turned his face toward Jesus and sneered .

7- Some coworkers sneered at her for asking for special privileges.

8- Where is the heroism?” the Egyptian commentator sneered .

9- The critics sneered , but her audiences loved it.

10- Roberts sneered when told about Bell’s proposed sign.

11- He sneered , saying “Never heard of it.

12- Phyllis left and Dominic sneered behind her back.

13- Is such a religion to be sneered at?

14- You’d better ask your mother!’ he sneered .

15- Eric sneered at them and I just felt embarrassed.

16- The TV sneered about it later to me privately.

17- The great and the good sneered , but why?

18- Marion sneered and shot a wink at Little John.

19- Adolf sneered at the thought of a lifetime spent enforcing petty rules.

20- Not that I’ve ever sneered at Sabrina herself.

21- And Hector sneered at him for a coward!

22- How original of you!’ he sneered .

23- Lizzy sneered , then sat back down again.

24- Or have you resurrected him?’ he sneered .

25- Oh, such a practical angel, Salman sneered to Baal.

26- Rab sneered , he tore up his prescription.

27- Mandeville sneered as his strong teeth tore at the coarse rye bread.

28- The servant sneered , failing to notice the door opening quietly behind him.

29- The rebels sneered , and their allies the Copperheads organized.

30- You can’t back into a parking spot, the daughter sneered .

31- Why, once he looked me right in the face and sneered .

32- Don’t tell me,’ sneered Biff.

33- Dads have long sneered at the mention of buying a minivan.

34- They sneered at her, baring their tiny incisors.

35- The wiry Craffey sneered at the German and slashed wildly.

36- At this they laughed and sneered .

37- Go ahead, you tub of bantha fat, the Ortolan sneered .

38- You don’t covet my delightful, rich brother?’ she sneered .

39- He repeated the phrases he had heard so often on TV but Ralph sneered .

40- The woman sneered back that I was only pretending to have a disabled child. He did something stupid and was sneered at.

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