sneakiness in a sentence

Use ‘sneakiness’ in a sentence | ‘sneakiness’ example sentences

1- The sneakiness of doctors, nurses, etc. is revolting and disgusting.

2- He had no patience for pretentiousness or for sneakiness or cleverness.

3- Perhaps I have underestimated my sneakiness !

4- It is just too darned unprofessional and obviously biased for them to be doing this for meanness or sneakiness .

5- On the other hand, the dumped information and the sneakiness are interesting (even if not brilliantly rendered as prose).

6- In the ending, for example, the protagonist pulls some terrific sneakiness , but the player has nothing to do with it; the only command that was parsed was “go north”.

7- The actress herself later pictured Bela that way, feeling she “has some kind of cool shading and sneakiness , which fits the British accent”.

8- He is an incredibly cute and talkative saboteur who likes social networking and text messaging, an inversion of the original Ravage’s sneakiness .

9- The sneakiness is not limited to the fleetingness of years, the average middle years Mom, even as she maintains the same healthy diet and exercise routine , gains an average of 1.5lbs a year and potentially loses 2.5lbs of muscle mass in the same.

10- That is to say , if you deliver honest, useful content on your site, with no sneakiness , then people will get to hear about you.

11- And if you just read this and thought , “Whatever I’ll just lie to the questions, and wipe my hard drive and phone or leave them at home,” then you may want to stop and consider what all the secrecy and sneakiness really says about the viability of this relationship.

12- On the possibility of a conspiracy of sneakiness from ID proponents: well, let’s think about how many ID proponents must have known about the creationist origins of Pandas , and have been hiding the fact for decades.

13- As I said, Kitty hates Advantage® just as much as I do, so applying it to her (between her shoulder blades where she can’t reach to lick it) requires a bit of sneakiness .

14- The unlink takes a bit of sneakiness :

15- (It is not only the sneakiness of debtors that matters, therefore.

16- “There’s been a lot of sneakiness around the office,” said Graham.

17- ” How to photobomb like a champ There are few things that combine thigh-slapping hilarity and ninja-like sneakiness like an expert photobomb.

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