slumbered in a sentence

Use ‘slumbered’ in a sentence | ‘slumbered’ example sentences

1- Neurofeedback has slumbered for more than 30 years.

2- In the 1930s, the West slumbered before the scourge.

3- Without the Reformation, England might have slumbered long.

4- The village street, white and dusty, slumbered under the afternoon sun.

5- So Primus slumbered , shutting himself down to hide the world from Unicron.

6- I’d additionally diffuse the specific natural oils inside the gathering through the night when he slumbered .

7- These cultural relics have slumbered in the shadow of the glorious history of the Roman Empire.

8- The Vord are originally found in Alera in the Wax forest, where their Queen slumbered .

9- In the parable of the ten virgins all ten, representing the visible church, slumbered and slept.

10- The patients in the rooms adjoining his turned and muttered uneasily in their sleep, but slumbered on.

11- But some slumbered on.

12- William H. Prescott, the Boston historian, likened the Inquisition to an “eye that never slumbered “.

13- The railroad will mean the actual opening to the world of a nation which has slumbered for fifteen hundred years.

14- Logic and speech slumbered in Biff, and dreamed; for the left half of his brain was asleep now.

15- We conduct our events throughout the year, reminding and awaking the slumbered minds, the importance of environment and its preservation.

16- Molly slumbered on, wanting nothing, when I rose to my feet; and I went to the cottage door and sat down on the step.

17- While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept . But at midnight there is a cry, Behold, the bridegroom!

18- Storey says other hibernating animals such as bears and bats probably slumbered through the winter, as they rely on thirst and hunger to wake them up in the spring.

19- As she slept she clutched the pillow tight against her, it reminded her of Matthew and the way they would hold each other as the slumbered .

20- But the notes of the flute came home to his ears out of a different sphere from that he worked in, and suggested work for certain faculties which slumbered in him.

21- All through the city the Roly-Rogues lay asleep, and as they always withdrew their heads and limbs into their bodies when they slumbered , they presented a spectacle of thousands of huge balls lying motionless.

22- Over there on the bleached dunes, where little Johannes that first summer night hat been so happy with Windekind and where, wrapped in his little blue jacket, he had slumbered on his brother’s breast, there–cruel play of fate–he also meets Pluizer.

23- Referred to the Committee on Public Safety, this petition slumbered there for six months, but it was not forgotten in that hotbed of the Revolution.

24- The Rapture occurs when the church is sleeping, with little expectation of the Lord’s return : “While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept” (Mt 25:5); “Watch ye therefore…lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping” ( Mk 13:35, 36 ).

25- Steamers called at its noisy neighbours, Margate and Ramsgate, but Broadstairs, favoured by the discriminating, in the main slumbered peacefully on.

26- For almost six months now she had known the joy of waking every morning in a brand new feather bed like a fluted, pale pink shell in which no other woman had ever slumbered .

27- The abbeys and priories I passed slumbered gently in the lee of fresh green hills, unaware of the destruction about to crawl from the hellish pit of Henry’s lusts.

28- He was at her feet; he was her child, her boy, her darling; and when he slumbered she saw him wax and grow, and when he awoke she saw her fetters break.

29- The “seminal Logos” which, in virtue of its tension, slumbered in “pneuma”, now proceeds upon its creative task.

30- The independent culture slumbered in the underground scenes with new genres such as lo-fi (Beck, Sparklehorse, Guided By Voices), math rock (Slint, Shellac) and post-rock (Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky).

31- Unfortunately for Primus, as he slumbered , his world was eventually discovered by the alien Quintessons, who shackled his powers and used them to both transform the planet into the metallic Cybertron, and to create the races of robots that would eventually become the Transformers.

32- As he slumbered in the void it was revealed that he hadn’t been thorough enough – tiny fragments of the universe remained and reacted with each other, leading to the creation of the current universe.

33- In the void of nothingness left in the universe’s wake, Unicron slumbered , his work done… but Unicron had not been thorough enough, and tiny particles of the old universe that remained reacted with one another, birthing the current universe we know today.

34- The players, still chesty from taking the national champions to the wire in an exhibition two nights prior, slumbered out to a 29-16 deficit before recalibrating impressively.

35- Meanwhile , the bulk of the tooling slumbered , waiting for the future when steel-bodied cars, not aluminum-bodied aircraft, would be the product in demand. He slumbered out the whole day.

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