sluiced in a sentence

Use ‘sluiced’ in a sentence | ‘sluiced’ example sentences

1- Cold water sluiced but did not cool him.

2- I sluiced many and many a day.

3- The Thames sluiced by the window, sluggish and brown.

4- He sluiced Willie’s body tenderly with cold water and soap.

5- A sheen of seawater sluiced the cat’s back.

6- While in Nevada they sluiced and panned for gold along the riverbanks.

7- Muddy water sluiced down the roads.

8- Torrents of water sluiced through the stands, drowning pitch, players and spectators.

9- Bunny burned the letter in the sink and sluiced the ashes under the tap.

10- It had happened before that England had been sluiced clean of every significant esoteric and thaumaturgist.

11- He leaned over and carefully sluiced his tongue across the surface of one of her nipples.

12- A seawall containing spoils (dirt) sluiced from the Denny Regrade created the current waterfront.

13- Then the inner cavities were sluiced out with various aromatic and disinfecting fluids prior to sewing up.

14- The squaddies had gathered round the body and peered at it as rain sluiced the shattered face.

15- Kneeling down, he bent over and sluiced his face with handfuls of the surprisingly cold water.

16- The rest of the dump when sluiced yielded a little less than the value of the “pickings.

17- Gusts of rain lashed down the narrow alleys; rickshaws sluiced through the water, more like boats than bicycles.

18- She sluiced down the lower half of his body in the bath, rinsed the nappy and carried him back into the bedroom.

19- She silently called him all the names she could think of, then repeated the choicer ones for good measure, as she sluiced her face in cold water.

20- He was a philosophical force to be monitored, mopped up & sluiced away……..the continuing critique of, & anxiety about, the pernicious effects of German idealism, culminating in Moore & Russell’s restoration of empiricism’ (p. 133).

21- Rock debris could be sluiced away by hushing , and the water also used to douse fires created to break down the hard rock and veins, a method known as fire-setting .

22- This operation went very badly for the Japanese, who suffered severe casualties from Australian mortars and machine guns, and from burning oil which had been sluiced into the water.

23- He did a double stint of exercise until he was clammy with globules of sweat and then sluiced himself over from the two cold jugs of water Christine had brought him up after breakfast.

24- The fuel, taken aboard at Shell Oil Company’s Martinez refinery mid-day on July 17, would normally be sluiced to other fuel tanks in the following 24 hours.

25- The water was sluiced through a canal and tunnels down to the Lower Mill where it turned a waterwheel to drive the cotton manufacturing machinery.

26- It was at this juncture that Molly was distracted by Jacqueline, who had to be taken back to the house into one of the lavatories sluiced only by a bucket of old chlorinated pool water.

27- We ran Borneo’s uncharted rapids in Dyak canoes, dived with sharks in the rip-currents of Komodo, and were sluiced off Javanese roads in monsoon flash-floods.

28- The water sluiced out through the open door carrying all before it: cigarette packets, banana skins, the shells of nuts, an old shoe.

29- Some of the logs were destined for mills in Wilder and Bellows Falls, Vermont, while others were sluiced over the Bellows Falls dam.

30- This knowledge also enabled them to select Lothal’s location in the first place, as the Gulf of Khambhat has the highest tidal amplitude and ships can be sluiced through flow tides in the river estuary.

31- When a full tank was opened, the wave of water sluiced away the overburden to expose the bedrock underneath and any gold veins.

32- Instead , it is filled by an unusual shale that formed after an ancient seaway sluiced into the crater, depositing sediment and an array of bizarre sea creatures that hardened into fossils, French said.

33- Pushing up his sleeves over the elbow, he swilled cold water over his hands and arms, then bent down and sluiced the whole of his head.

34- The harbour was crowded with boats berthed two and three abreast but the market sheds were empty, sluiced down so that not even a small of fish remained.

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