slothfulness in a sentence

Use ‘slothfulness’ in a sentence | ‘slothfulness’ example sentences

1- That’s a big problem in the church: slothfulness .

2- slothfulness , laziness and economic carelessness are marks of immaturity.

3- Now no sluggard likes to be rebuked for his slothfulness .

4- But despite his apparent slothfulness , Donald proves that he is physically strong.

5- It is only the slothfulness of our minds that allows monsters to exist.

6- My father would not tolerate slothfulness at all and mummy too could not stand a liar.

7- And how can a persuasion of salvation in a way of holiness breed slothfulness in duty, carelessness and licentiousness?

8- And while I am gone, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) . In obedience to this command, the Lord’s churches have successfully withstood the heresies of Arminianism and the slothfulness of Antinomianism.

9- Laziness, being one of my biggest character defects, besides slothfulness , jealousy, coveting another mans husband, gossiping, frugalness and an overactive libido.

10- V. Choose them both callings, habitations, and relations which make most for the common good, and for the advantage of their souls; and not those that most serve covetousness, pride, or slothfulness .

11- For example, our very survival depends on our willingness to overcome laziness and slothfulness , and we must constantly do battle with the inclination to consume excess food and beverage.

12- Bede was conscious of the debt the English owed to saints such as Columba and Aidan, and loved to contrast their holiness with the ‘ slothfulness ‘ of Christians of his own day.

13- There’s no better inspiration for shrugging off slothfulness than Glen Shiel, which rewards with such a high score of tops and something worthwhile to brag about to those who spent Saturday and Sunday vacuuming the car with a cordless hoover.

14- A few of the more unrefined qualities of this energy in manifestation are expressed through stubbornness, self-indulgence, possessiveness, and slothfulness .

15- His eyes were suddenly opened to a sense of his own worthlessness – a feeling of humility sprang up in his heart for the first time; – he became alive to a sense of the requirements of his position in life, all slothfulness and love of ease, were burned out of his heart.

16- Yes, more than this, ”They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” All the more, therefore, should we avoid drifting into slothfulness in habits of prayer.

17- Removed far from the eye of all supervising boards and supporting constitu- encies he is subjected to special dangers of 226 THE PRESENT WORLD SITUATION spiritual slothfulness or slackness.

18- Pride, coldness, slothfulness , he hates, yet day by day he finds them reasserting their power over him; yet nightly he returns to the Fountain which has been opened “for sin and for uncleanness” (Zechariah 13:1), that he may be cleansed.

19- In recent years I’ve attempted to make up for my former slothfulness , and I look at men like Mark Foree and strive to be more like him.

20- It is easy to assume that the poor are poor because of slothfulness , lack of self-control, addictions, etc. These things are true, but certainly not always.

21- Dudley complained to Somerset in October 1547 that “never had a man had so weak a company of soldiers given to drinking, eating and slothfulness ,” though, “the house stands well.

22- It is evident that Metapontum was at this period still wealthy; but its citizens had apparently, like their neighbors the Tarentines, fallen into a state of slothfulness and luxury, so that they were become almost proverbial for their lack of vigor.

23- Arthur Spingarn remarked that Du Bois spent his time in Atlanta “battering his life out against ignorance, bigotry, intolerance and slothfulness , projecting ideas nobody but he understands, and raising hopes for change which may be comprehended in a hundred years.

24- Dio wrote that “She, the mother-in-law of Octavian and wife of Antony, had no respect for Lepidus because of his slothfulness , and managed affairs herself, so that neither the senate nor the people transacted any business contrary to her pleasure.

25- So they set their sights on Parthenolecanium quercifex , or the oak lecanium , a type of scale insect whose extreme slothfulness makes it the Al Bundy of the bug world.

26- slothfulness has always been rife amongst trainees, many of whom it has to be said would feel qualms about putting clients into shares they hear through the grapevine are dubious.

27- “A life of booze, fags and slothfulness may be enough to earn your doctor’s disapproval, but there is one last hope: a repeat prescription of mates and good conversation.

28- ” Sarah Trimmer, for example, contends in her “Guardian of Education”, the first successful periodical dedicated to reviewing children’s books, that children should not read fairy tales precisely because they will lead to slothfulness and superstition.

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