slightness in a sentence

Use ‘slightness’ in a sentence | ‘slightness’ example sentences

1- Because of the uncertainty about the diagnosis, the prolonged treatment often advocated, and the slightness of the symptoms in many cases, it is often very difficult to persuade patients that they are cured.

2- This difficulty is compounded by three further factors: the slightness of the symptoms in the majority of cases, the length of treatment, and the difficulty in assessing cure.

3- But Felix’s slightness was at seeming odds with her speed on the track and strength in the gym, where, while still in high school, she deadlifted at least 270 pounds.

4- In her review for “The Guardian,” Caroline Sullivan called it a combination of “cute hip pop and a vaguely feminist lyric,” she was also surprised that “considering the slightness of ‘Wannabe,'” the group had an overwhelming amount of offers from record companies.

5- This episode by contrast tries so hard to be serious, which now seems just a bit ridiculous given the slightness of the material.

6- But while its delicacy is a big part of its halcyon charm , Waiting for the Summer ‘s slightness also has its downsides; with its ten tracks disappearing in just 23 breezy minutes, the buzz fades all too fast.

7- Compared to the larger scale of The Sound of Music or The King and I , this is a unpretentious effort, but slightness has always been something musical productions could use to their advantage.

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