sip in a sentence

sip meaning:

v. t.) To drink in small quantities; especially, to take in with the lips in small quantities,

n.) A small draught taken with the lips; a slight taste.

sip sentence:

I took a little sip of my drink.

This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.

He takes another sip of his soda.

The little girl took a big sip of her milkshake.

Peggy took another sip from her glass.

Can I have just a tiny sip of your water?

Yoga students are encouraged to sip cool water throughout the class.

Her sister took a sip of her drink before answering.

He paused and took a sip of tea.

The tea was very hot so she had to sip at it very slowly.

Janir took a sip of the medicine and gagged at the vile taste.

The busboy rushes to refill my water glass after every sip.

She let go of Mona’s hand and took a sip of her drink.

The vampire took a sip of the young virgin’s blood, liked it, and then drank greedily.

The singer had a quick sip of water to calm her nerves before going on stage.

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