sinuosity in a sentence

Use ‘sinuosity’ in a sentence | ‘sinuosity’ example sentences

1- The sinuosity index plays a part in mathematical descriptions of streams.

2- sinuosity Index has a non-mathematical utility as well.

3- sinuosity is one of the channel types that a stream may assume over all or part of its course.

4- The finer sediments of the Wilmslow and Helsby Sandstone to the west of Alderley represent alluvial deposits of low sinuosity channels.

5- Deacon (1990) thoroughly investigated the sedimentology of the Sonsela Member and concluded that it represented a low sinuosity fluvial system consisting of northerly to northeasterly draining braided channels.

6- This bridge is located approximately 2.3 kilometers by water of the railway bridge, due to the sinuosity of the river (or 1.5 km direct line).

7- Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, whose division was assigned to the Confederate works along the western base of the ridge, wrote “This line of defense, following its sinuosities , was over two miles in length–nearly twice as long as a number of bayonets in the division could adequately defend.

8- For alluvial streams, straight and braided rivers have very low sinuosity and flow directly down hill, while meandering rivers flow from side to side across a valley.

9- Later the tracery became more complex, including the ogee curve; the characteristic feature being the ” sinuosity of form” in the windows and elsewhere.

10- The mean flow rate vector is based on variability of friction with the bottom or sides of the channel, sinuosity , obstructions, and the incline gradient.

11- The channel sinuosity index is the channel length divided by the valley length and the standard sinuosity index is the channel index divided by the valley index.

12- The channel sinuosity index is the channel length divided by the valley length and the standard sinuosity index is the channel index divided by the valley index.

13- sinuosity indices are calculated from the map or from an aerial photograph measured over a distance called the reach, which should be at least 20 times the average fullbank channel width.

14- The meander ratio or sinuosity index is a means of quantifying how much a river or stream meanders (how much its course deviates from the shortest possible path).

15- Unless otherwise defined in a specific scheme “meandering” and ” sinuosity ” here are synonymous and mean any repetitious pattern of bends, or waveforms.

16- He named it for the River Wye, noted for its sinuosity , whose source is near that of the River Severn, near a mountain in Wales.

17- Under ideal conditions (uniform gentle slope on an homogeneously erodible substrate), the sinuosity of a meandering river approaches . The sinuosity is the ratio between the actual length and the straight-line distance from source to mouth.

18- Under ideal conditions (uniform gentle slope on an homogeneously erodible substrate), the sinuosity of a meandering river approaches . The sinuosity is the ratio between the actual length and the straight-line distance from source to mouth.

19- The stylistic variety is large and wonderful – from moist, hot-breath tenor balladeering to near-Eastern sinuosity (Redman can truly wail on musette).

20- Most notably in the Graces , one can already see all the feeling of roundness, the sinuosity of the line which truly make a Botticelli painting a divine painting.

21- In Fig. 8.7 the shallower water off the headlands is affecting wave E slightly, causing a slight sinuosity to be formed on the wave front.

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