signalers in a sentence

Use ‘signalers’ in a sentence | ‘signalers’ example sentences

1- Certain signalers , such as CaMKII, are upregulated in response to activity.

2- Two artillery batteries and a staff of couriers and signalers rounded out his forces.

3- In experimentation with unreliable signalers , individuals became habituated to incorrect calls from a specific individual.

4- At least bad weather would force the ancient smoke signalers to take a break every now and then.

5- By the end of 1914 five British Scouts had left to serve at the Western Front, as signalers .

6- These plugs, although instantaneous in approximate signalers doubly have beaches because they versa only reciprocate the suite of scots to the retreat but tightly bug the ski of gross hahas and collectivity from the eyes.

7- Battalion signalers intercepted a message from raiders in Mandi Sector that they were completely cut off and were in need of food, medicines, arms and ammunition.

8- Chemosignals serve as a basis of communication to enhance the fitness of the signalers , which serves as an ultimate cause for the frogs daily activity and reactions to their environment (Waldman, 2004).

9- C.A. Connor, W.R. Hatton and E. Judah also originated in Boys’ Brigade and were skilled signalers ; Connor was an Instructor, while Hatton was the first death recorded.

10- The main finding is that non-human primates, including the great apes, produce calls that are graded, as opposed to categorically differentiated, with listeners striving to evaluate subtle gradations in signalers ‘ emotional and bodily states.

11- All sub-units operated independently, training Army Reserve commandos and Special Forces signalers until 1981 when it was determined a regimental headquarters was required.

12- The localization of signaling elements to their GluRs is particularly important in ensuring signal cascade activation, as GluRs would be unable to affect particular downstream effects without nearby signalers .

13- Model 1907 Carbine: At 289 mm shorter and 0.95 kg lighter than the M1891, this model was excellent for cavalry, engineers, signalers , and artillerymen.

14- The exact number of men being pulled out of the roughly 1,200 man Nigerian peacekeeping deployment in Mali was not stated , but it is understood that nearly all the combat infantry will be pulled out, leaving behind only some engineers, signalers and other military specialists.

15- 1971 : Role responsibilities and mandatory equipment list set out for race supervisors, marshals and signalers , drivers must be evacuated from cockpit in less than five seconds.

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