sideswiped in a sentence

Use ‘sideswiped’ in a sentence | ‘sideswiped’ example sentences

1- The driver then sideswiped a trash can, scraping our bozo off.

2- He woke up when his truck sideswiped a mailbox at 55 mph.

3- The tractor-trailer then sideswiped a box truck, which overturned.

4- Why had he let me get sideswiped by all of this ?

5- The two were kissing in a parked car when they were sideswiped by another car.

6- But then the Queens’ limo is sideswiped , and all soon becomes hideously clear.

7- Alas , the fender had been smashed, the mirror broke off – I’d been sideswiped .

8- How can physicians protect themselves from being sideswiped by an HMO’s sudden shift to zero copays?

9- The collision happened when a driver sideswiped another vehicle while attempting to exit the interstate at Remount Road.

10- Before sideswiped the people that contributed to building it, referral sales gave steady checks.

11- While her attention was desperately elsewhere, a Volvo sideswiped her rattletrap car going seventy-five miles an hour.

12- While they are there, a couple arrives at the facility, saying that someone sideswiped their car.

13- The car sideswiped another car with Neely still hanging on , Gastonia Police Capt. Steve Duncan said.

14- The car was sideswiped across both passenger doors and as a result, was totaled and went to scrap.

15- Seldom are you wrong-footed or sideswiped by events as in shows such as Justified or Breaking Bad .

16- Keeping to the left is an open invitation to be sideswiped as impatient drivers try to ‘ squeeze’ past.

17- The 10 -year-old boy who had yet to be identified was also injured after he was sideswiped by the truck.

18- It records how he was left lying helpless on the ground with a broken hip after being sideswiped by the vehicle.

19- A 70 -year-old Sidney woman driving a PT Cruiser sideswiped a 24-year-old cyclist from Victoria as she made a right turn.

20- During the campaign, the “Farley Mowat” ‘ sideswiped ‘ a Japanese supply ship called the “Oriental Bluebird”.

21- Unable to start up the car motor, Blackhawk does manage to grind the starter of his car, moving it far enough so that the car is only sideswiped by the locomotive.

22- Whether you got sideswiped in Orange County by a careless driver on a cell phone or “doored” by a negligent driver in Miami Beach, you need strategic guidance.

23- This agreement faltered after the 2001 incident where a Chinese pilot sideswiped an EP-3E reconnaissance plane over international waters (causing the death of the Chinese pilot and the emergency landing of the U.S. aircraft on Chinese territory).

24- With most of its crews dead or being transformed into Necromorphs, the Valor was left to drift out of control and subsequently sideswiped the Ishimura , violently crashing into it.

25- Within the final 40 km, two of the leading five riders were involved in a dramatic crash after Juan Antonio Flecha was sideswiped by a France Télévisions car during an overtaking manoeuvre, causing fellow breakaway rider, Johnny Hoogerland to crash into a barbed wire fence.

26- Hoogerland also made headlines when he and ‘s Juan Antonio Flecha were sideswiped by a car while they rode in a breakaway.

27- Some 36 km from the finish line, a car from France Télévisions sideswiped Flecha and Hoogerland, the two front riders at the time, sending both off their bicycles and Hoogerland crashing into a barbed-wire fence.

28- On the same day that breakaway riders Flecha and Johnny Hoogerland were sideswiped by a car at the front of the race, Vinokourov crashed along with Jurgen Van Den Broeck, Andreas Klöden, and David Zabriskie, all of whom eventually left the race due to their injuries.

29- Watson told the press that the “Farley Mowat” chased the whaler into the ice and that the “Kaiko Maru” then sideswiped the “Robert Hunter” to push the ship into the ice.

30- He had been trying to flee a number of motorcyclists who were chasing both boys after their vehicle had sideswiped a car earlier that night.

31- In the final episode of the first season, Rowland’s luck finally runs out when his truck is sideswiped by another trucker on the ice road, knocking a driving axle off the chassis.

32- Reacting instantly, Curtis jerked the wheel hard over and sideswiped the other car, at the same time jerking his foot from the gas pedal.

33- Just then, the police arrive and Carlo flees, but in a twist of fate, he gets sideswiped by a passing garbage truck which he gets hooked onto the fender and gets dragged down the street to his gruesome death.

34- One of those sets sideswiped a freight train on a test run in July 1973 and three of the cars were written off.

35- The one thing in common between the couple that was sideswiped , Galloway’s vandalized car, and the two cars Monk and Natalie have been in: they were all brand-new.

36- He was killed in a traffic accident in October 2007, when his car sideswiped a taxi and careened into oncoming traffic, striking an SUV.

37- Suffice to say, we should have known it wasn’t going to be a good experience when our car was almost sideswiped in their tiny little parking lot.

38- His car jumped a boulder, sideswiped a house, hit a tree and crashed into a shop building.

39- On the way there, she and the driver were sideswiped in the traffic circle, said Bourdages.

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