sidesplitting in a sentence

Use ‘sidesplitting’ in a sentence | ‘sidesplitting’ example sentences

1- While Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel entertains with their sidesplitting antics.

2- And that sequence was sidesplitting .

3- Reader Temeka Higgins shares with us a sidesplitting example of Black Tom-foolery and white minstrelsy.

4- Comedy exists, but not on the sidesplitting level that can be found in other Muppet fare.

5- Ordinary businessman in a tie during the day, he turns into a sidesplitting comedian around the campfire.

6- Also on tap is a night of laughter on Jan. 18 with Comedy Night at The Cave featuring sidesplitting performers.

7- The jokes are astonishingly well directed and there are literally numerous sidesplitting moments where circumstance or silly sod induces the audience to hysterical seizures.

8- Despite being a British TV junkie through and through, I would have probably never clicked on the show (Martin’s grumpy cover photo is far from alluring) unless my mom insisted it was sidesplitting .

9- Socalled is up to the challenge however, and bangs out a sidesplitting cover of Ira Gershwin’s “Tchaikovsky” until the sound crew can get his equipment working.

10- While sometimes his approach to subjects may seem coarse or even a little over the top, they still incite sidesplitting laughter all the same.

11- Can’t you try to do something about it instead of standing there making sidesplitting remarks?’

12- When the music stops it’s time for sidesplitting comedy, and nothing is funnier than watching a mime perform “Herr Rothschild the Banker is trying to run off with the Profits of the Great War.”

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