sidecars in a sentence

Use ‘sidecars’ in a sentence | ‘sidecars’ example sentences

1- She smokes often and enjoys drinking sidecars .

2- Our sidecars can also be booked for other events.

3- They achieved 8th position in the 2013 championship out of 17 sidecars .

4- External sidecar connector capable of daisy-chaining multiple sidecars .

5- The squad consisted of 90 men and 45 Harley-Davidson motorcycles equipped with sidecars .

6- I switched from sidecars to Old Fashioneds.

7- Former classes that are now discontinued include 350cc, 50cc and sidecars .

8- Most of BMW’s offerings were still designed to be used with sidecars .

9- The motor bikes had sidecars attached and were equipped with gas masks and tin helmets.

10- Annually in October, The Festival of sidecars takes place.

11- The first races to take place on 18 June 1927 showed motorcycles and sidecars .

12- The speedway runs from August to March and caters to cars, solos and sidecars .

13- While others address a whole spectrum of vehicles, from scooters to sidecars to racing vehicles.

14- So I joined the half-dozen speechless loners and got to work on the sidecars .

15- With a full grid of sidecars and 6 reserves it was set to be an exciting weekend.

16- Some had Stoye sidecars fitted, and a Stoye “Campi” luggage trailer could also be fitted.

17- The Dutch crowd love their sidecars and 8 Dutch riders had wildcard entries to join us on the grid.

18- Jaguar was founded as the Swallow Sidecar Company in 1922, originally making motorcycle sidecars before developing passenger cars.

19- First to the sidecars .

20- By this time sidecars were no longer a consideration of most riders; people were interested in sportier motorcycles.

21- The sort of unit that now began to emerge combined cyclist infantry and machine guns mounted on motor cycle sidecars .

22- In Southeast Asian countries including Thailand and Cambodia, ice cream is often sold from modified motorcycles with freezer sidecars .

23- Tomahawk, Wisconsin – Tomahawk Operations: Facility that makes sidecars , saddlebags, windshields, and more.

24- Later the Swallow sidecars coachbuilding company decided to produce a complete car and again utilised a Standard engine and chassis.

25- It was also the first motorcycle to offer, an optional, reverse gear (for use with sidecars ).

26- Englishman Ernest Earles designed a unique triangulated fork that, unlike telescopic forks, resists the side-forces introduced by sidecars .

27- Multiple sidecars proved very clumsy, and the computer required additional power supplies with a second floppy drive or several sidecars.

28- Multiple sidecars proved very clumsy, and the computer required additional power supplies with a second floppy drive or several sidecars .

29- We are very interested in adding members who ride sport bikes, sidecars , scooters, off-road bikes, and quads.

30- With a full grid and a mix F1 and F2 sidecars , it was set to be an exciting weekends racing.

31- QUALIFYING : Free practice had seen 42 sidecars out on track, fortunately qualifying for ‘our’ races saw just 23.

32- Races are held on the same tracks as solo motocross but the handling of the machines differs as sidecars don’t lean.

33- Without sidecars attached, motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, and bicycles are almost symmetric with their handlebars in the centre.

34- Key areas of activity in the broad area of Alternative Risk Transfer include catastrophe bonds, Life Insurance Securitization and Reinsurance sidecars .

35- With free practice on Friday, early morning qualifying and two races on Saturday, plus a third race on Sunday, this was going to be a busy weekend for F1 sidecars !

36- Russian motorcycles have never been regarded as fast sporting mounts – more basic forms of family transport as they have mainly come complete with sidecars that have the third wheel driven.

37- The sponsor group behind the British F1 Sidecar Championship, RKBF1 and Real Motorsport at Mallory Park will be supporting F1 sidecars at the Sidecar Bonanza this season in September with this significant prize fund and the offer that all F1 machines can enter the event FREE of CHARGE.

38- There will be events for everything from Scooter sidecars , through to F1’s; click “read more” for more details and link to the entry form.

39- The Auto 66 Club are ending their season with a two day event at Lincolnshire’s Cadwell Park, with a heavy emphasis on sidecars .

40- In 1950 and 1951, the plant produced about fifty 45 cubic inch motors per month and thirty 74’s with sidecars.

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