sidebar in a sentence

Use ‘sidebar’ in a sentence | ‘sidebar’ example sentences

1- A sidebar chat functionality allows editors to discuss edits.

2- Some sidebars span several issues, others stand alone.

3- Include tentative office calls and anticipated sidebar discussions.

4- All my “follow” button are down the right sidebar .

5- Another hot spot is the area right before the sidebars .

6- The sidebar explains how these thumb rings were actually used.

7- The eye-catching layout includes numerous color photographs and educational sidebars .

8- His own singing career almost seems like a sidebar .

9- The ” sidebar ” film can be seen here .

10- This theme is a sidebar fluid based WP theme.

11- The symbolic aspect of this sidebar is clear.

12- There were also many sidebar topics and tables.

13- All through the ” sidebar .php”.

14- It represents a sidebar in whale evolution.

15- Same thing as using aside for sidebar .

16- That includes headlines, sidebars and bullets.

17- You find these links below each activity log in the sidebar .

18- Longer boxed sections in magazines are sometimes referred to as sidebars .

19- Occasionally use sidebar features – latest comments and blogger names .

20- The sidebar is probably the best way to navigate.

21- The sidebar also allows users to see archived notes .

22- See the sidebar story for details on those.

23- Also in the sidebar are two handy tools.

24- And select Copy in the newly opened sidebar .

25- Reference the sidebar for 2013 all school rankings.

26- You did ask about the sidebar , though.

27- Was there something missing in the sidebar calculations?

28- No. Can you run a busy sidebar ?

29- I saw your hub on my sidebar !

30- Even the ones on the right sidebar !

31- Such sections are often represented as sidebars in printed typography.

32- Tag fields will be available as sidebar filters where commonly useful.

33- There are many alternative names for both (see sidebar ).

34- sidebar : This is another topic that is not discussed enough.

35- See the sidebar for a list of suggested skin scrape sites.

36- Also, browse the pages listed in the left sidebar .

37- The judge called a sidebar conference, then a recess.

38- A moving and unknown sidebar to the well known story!

39- Have you ever noticed those videos over in the sidebar ?

40- These are available for download in the Download sidebar . Kylie Minogue appeared in the sidebar at an early stage in her transition from teenybopper to dance queen.

41- June 1992 Vol.15 No.6 pg.21 Short sidebar interview about his training and a new Redline suspension bicycle.

42- The press headlines the story, “Federal Witness Plummets to Death,” with a sidebar: “Suicide Pronouncement: ‘Hallelujah, I Can Fly!

43- Truly Moving Picture award winners are often previewed at the Heartland Film Festival as a sidebar if they are available.

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