shushed in a sentence

Use ‘shushed’ in a sentence | ‘shushed’ example sentences

1- A serene wind shushed through the leaves fluttering overhead.

2- He squeezed my hand and shushed me gently .

3- Sean shushed her and sat down on a bench.

4- Preston, now less amused, shushed her urgently.

5- I asked mom what this meant and she shushed me.

6- What, they shushed you from other blogs?

7- It tickled, and the patient had to be shushed .

8- She begins to sing “Tomorrow”, though shushed by the cabinet.

9- Jay shushed her against her shoulder.

10- Jonathan Kent was about to tell him something but Martha shushed him.

11- Grimacing , she pressed a finger to my lips and shushed her sisters.

12- I shushed them and succeeded in getting the skunk out and closed the door.

13- Libraries can never be shushed .

14- And I had, largely, mostly because I was shushed anytime I mentioned her name.

15- Second , I don’t think you should have been shushed out of this thread.

16- The ordinary rakyat are shushed .

17- Tuppe shushed him to silence.

18- Candace: She shushed me!

19- The door shushed open.

20- The mother shushed them.

21- The play continued, and outbreaks of an occasional catcall, guffaw or heckling were quickly shushed by others.

22- As Pierce began to speak , some in the Garden crowd began to boo before they were shushed into silence.

23- The man stroked her face and hair, soothed her whimpering, kissed her bruises, shushed in her ear.

24- At first it was just a funny way of chatting without being shushed every five minutes, but soon the floodgates opened.

25- Mae howled in mock outrage, and Tsang squealed and both squealed and pressed down their cheeks, and shushed each other.

26- I turned you off a few ago when you liken be very conservative to being somewhat legalistic…One of the reasons you are being shushed by many women that are conservative is because they think you are being legalistic, when you use the term libido.

27- I have no idea what other people’s moments of truth look like, but mine is bright and cool and so incredibly still it’s as if someone with major juice has shushed the world.

28- A party of schoolchildren are shushed by their teacher before they enter what is more a sanctum than a room in a museum.

29- Somewhere buried in my brain is a puzzled little voice that keeps trying to ask a question but keeps getting shushed by everyone else.

30- Peter shushed her.

31- I parried most of them until we got to their door, then I put a finger to my lips and shushed them.

32- He and one of his best friends, a South Asian kid with a winning smile, are actually free to talk without being shushed for a change.

33- So, a dubious viewer risked being shushed one day last week by other moviegoers as the man with the right stuff, and the right answers, was asked if that really was true.

34- They are shushed by an elderly couple in front of them, infuriating Azula, but Zuko calms her down in time to watch the final kiss scene.

35- New York activists held this type of read-in June 2010 as part of their “We Will Not Be shushed ” campaign to stave off proposed budget cuts.

36- Niko, the only one able to tell Kilcrop of the plot, is shushed under the threat of revealing her past before Aberrance: a wanted felon for killing her abusive father.

37- One child asks what life was like before the protagonist’s honored sacrifice and is quickly shushed by his teacher as a Jade Golem readies an axe to quell such questioning.

38- Reapers can see and interact with them to some extent: Daisy once shushed a graveling; Rube yelled “Get outta here!

39- This includes an incredulous Felix ( at one point he’s shushed by Vic) speaking on his cell phone to Sarah, who is watching from a distance.

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