shriller in a sentence

Use ‘shriller’ in a sentence | ‘shriller’ example sentences

1- Your little cult is getting shriller and smaller day by day .

2- The cries of reveling sailors seemed shriller than on other nights.

3- Call hardly distinguishable, but tends to be shriller and less loud.

4- If his tone grew shriller , however, the words reached a dwindling audience.

5- This question rings shriller today.

6- Call somewhat shriller than Hen-Harrier, ‘yick, yick, yick’.

7- In OaÅŸ, a violin adapted to be shriller is used, accompanied by the zongora.

8- His slogan “the rich must pay their fair share” gets shriller as he stokes class warfare.

9- His portrayal of a middle-aged housewife was louder, shriller , and more dishevelled than that of any of the other Pythons.

10- The protesters’ calls for greater income redistribution and their denunciations of capitalism have become shriller , and the protests are becoming more violent and destructive.

11- The dominant theme of a whistle-stop second half was of Swansea driving towards Harlequins’ line, a shrill blast for a penalty, followed immediately by an even shriller one and Griffiths pacing out a generous 10 metres to silence the Welsh invective.

12- It is becoming ever shriller in its defence of two men who deny great crimes, attack the victims and defend the aggressors.

13- Her voice seemed to get shriller , too, and her hands danced in front of Julia’s painful eyes as she gesticulated more and more wildly.

14- He heard what sounded like a stifled cry of pain from a shriller voice; then the commotion beside him resumed once more.

15- A fife is a small, high-pitched, transverse flute, that is similar to the piccolo, but louder and shriller due to its narrower bore.

16- He spoke with a high pitched voice that became even shriller when he became excited, so that Lakers captain Elgin Baylor dubbed West “Tweety Bird”.

17- Display call disyllabic, female’s longer and more drawn-out; alarm call of male ‘chuckara, chuckara’, of female a shriller ‘chinka, chinka’.

18- The smallest grey goose, adult confusable only with White-fronted Goose, but white on forehead extends much further towards crown, bill much smaller, and has narrow yellow eye-ring, and shriller call.

19- In their crusade to one-up 70’s icons like David Lee Roth, the hair got bigger, the pants got tighter, and the vocals got shriller .

20- Join in the shout with shriller cry,

21- that makes us mad and shriller than

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