shrikes in a sentence

Use ‘shrikes’ in a sentence | ‘shrikes’ example sentences

1- Great grey shrikes breed during the summer, typically once per year.

2- The building houses up to 12 shrikes in individual flyways.

3- At 08:45Z two shrikes were launched at it.

4- This freed them to shoot the sites with shrikes of their own.

5- The shrikes cruised the Mediterranean for three months, supporting operations against Libya.

6- This was curious because I have always found shrikes to be very skiddish.

7- The shrikes returned home in February 2009 after completing this successful 7 month deployment.

8- shrikes like hawthorns and open pasture.

9- Bella Moth larvae and some predators like loggerhead shrikes are not negatively affected by PAs.

10- Red-backed shrikes are heavier than barred war- territory (Ebbinge and Spaans 2002).

11- Since shrikes are predators, I wondered if this was a ploy to lure in unsuspecting prey.

12- shrikes : An alien race, the cause behind most of the troubles in the Galaxy.

13- The “Mighty shrikes ” began flying the F4U Corsair, but quickly transitioned to jet aircraft.

14- Bird life on the shoreline includes yellow-crowned night herons, loggerhead shrikes , prairie warblers and shorebirds.

15- Use of the former by Conrad Gessner established the quasi-scientific term “lanius” for the shrikes .

16- When hunting, shrikes sit in prominent positions such as on fence posts in order to spot potential prey.

17- Ty McTavish: One of Kingman’s Associates, who was selling Data to the shrikes .

18- Kryukov, A. P. (1995) Systematics of small Palearctic shrikes of the “”cristatus”” group.

19- The common birds are regularly accompanied by scarcer species like greenish warblers, great grey shrikes or Richard’s pipits.

20- Despite some species’ common names, this family is not closely related to the wrens, vireos or shrikes .

21- The bog is home to short eared owls , shrikes , moose and serves as a wintering area for whitetail deer.

22- In Jan 1955 the ” shrikes ” moved to NAS Moffett Field and received the FJ Fury in Feb 1955.

23- Nicknamed the Mighty shrikes , the squadron was named after a small carnivorous bird of prey, the Loggerhead Shrike.

24- A dry behaviour of the adult shrikes and warblers from a hiding meadow with hawthorn Crataegus sp. thickets dominates place.

25- Then they return to LB-429 where they find the last of the shrikes , and plan to finally destroy the Asteroid.

26- This trap, also known as a “bal-chatri”, has also been adapted to capture other birds such as shrikes .

27- Moreover, in the studied population red-backed shrikes had significantly Discussion higher reproductive success in repeated broods than in the primary broods.

28- However, all things considered, the grey shrike lineage probably represents the Holarctic sister to the African radiation of fiscal shrikes .

29- Warblers more vigorously species (often a raptor; Post and Seals 1993; Blanco and defended their own territories than shrikes .

30- Waxwings are preyed upon by birds of prey including rough-legged buzzards, Eurasian sparrowhawks, prairie falcons, and great grey shrikes .

31- This also meant the SAM site’s tracking radar could be turned off, which prevented shrikes from homing in on it.

32- On 6 October, the 2nd Daitai gained it first success when three Ki-10s led by First Lieutenant Sawada engaged three Curtiss shrikes of the 12th RS just before they were about to land at Baoding.

33- Four different species of shrikes , including the Masked Shrike as they reproduce in the Lake, along with passerines like Golden Orioles and Hoopoes is most likely to be observed in the Lake.

34- A pair of shrikes sighted at the launch site were the only birds around as we rolled (literally) off at 10:06 a.m. The site has a convenient ramp made for canoes and kayaks, and being made out of PVC piping it gives you time only to grab your paddle and go.

35- The author supposed that this may be due to the Barred warblers and red-backed shrikes showed con- aggression of barred warblers towards potential predators. siderable variation in their response.

36- The shrikes then take the corpses of the hunters and throw them into the sea as Harry and Cody walk off.

37- Cody begins to crave revenge for his family and chooses life with the shrikes over Harry’s pleas for him to choose a more peaceful life.

38- Avian-Fauna Sandgrouse, partridges, bee-eaters, larks and shrikes are endemic, while demoiselle crane and hobard arrive in the winter.

39- Family: Campephagidae Cuckoo-shrikes are medium to small arboreal birds, generally long and slender.

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