shrews in a sentence

Use ‘shrews’ in a sentence | ‘shrews’ example sentences

1- There are 19 species of tree shrews .

2- There are 28 species of elephant shrews .

3- Some moles and shrews carry chemical weapons.

4- They imparted an unknown advantage to tree shrews .

5- Their predators are bats, birds, snakes and shrews .

6- Evidence suggests that shrews probably have the shortest lives.

7- In Ireland, shrews and rats are frequently eaten.

8- shrews occur, which prey on invertebrates.

9- There are a few venomous mammals, including certain shrews .

10- The mice were next, and the frogs and shrews .

11- Trout in this area feed on small mice and shrews .

12- Common tree shrews live singly or in pairs.

13- But no mice, shrews or moles remained to be seen.

14- Was he into shrews or was he into lads?

15- Some shrews were born with slightly longer finger bones in the front feet.

16- Elephant shrews resemble shrews but are not related to them.

17- Elephant shrews resemble shrews but are not related to them.

18- It preys on birds and shrews in Guam.

19- The only mammals with a venomous bite are certain moles and shrews .

20- Repenning is known for research into fossil desmostylians and shrews .

21- In 1994, there were no masked shrews in Pinhook.

22- Opossum, various shrews , moles, and several species of bats.

23- Baby shrews are born in litters of half a dozen or so.

24- Thereafter the ever present mice and shrews ceased to exist about the cabin.

25- Despite being classified as insectivores, tree shrews are catholic in their tastes.

26- Furthermore, hantaviruses have been found in multiple species of shrews and moles.

27- Tree shrews have long tails, a pointed nose, and sharp curved claws.

28- shrews and tenrecs emit echolocating calls as they go along their runs.

29- The meadow voles and shrews reflect the former fields rather than the current shrubs.

30- Fig. 1.3 SEM micrographs of rodent bones gnawed by shrews .

31- New characters like the shrews , Hurkel and Measley were introduced.

32- shrews are difficult to capture and may survive in wetter areas of the island.

33- Synopsis of the American shrews of the genus Sorex, p. 79.

34- This can be explained further by looking at the example of the common shrews .

35- When Short-tailed shrews use dry prairies only where they abut wetter areas.

36- This clade also includes hyraxes, manatees, elephants, elephant shrews and aardvarks.

37- The taxonomists have had some difficulty in placing tree shrews in the right zoological category.

38- Tree shrews are, however, easily distinguished from squirrels by their long, pointed noses.

39- There are many small rodents here – mice and voles, 3 species of bats, shrews .

40- Tree shrews are little mousy creatures, some of which hunt for insects in trees Madagascar. Species found The meadow voles and shrews reflect the former fields rather than the current shrubs.

41- Feeding Diet consists mainly of small mammals, such as mice, voles, and shrews, as well as lizards.

42- Mammals included Hedgehogs, shrews, mice and bats ( Pipistrelles ), which were common, as were Grey Squirrels.

43- Cluny was about to kill Abbot Mortimer when Matthias, returning from his journey to find the Sword of Martin, attacked with an army of Guosim shrews and sparrows.

44- There are also several smaller mammal species such as bats, rodents and shrews.

45- Usually opossums, weasels, skunks, raccoons, foxes, crows, snakes, shrews, and other carnivores will consume the eggs in the nest of a mud turtle.

46- The advanced mammal-like reptiles like Thrinaxodon is known from fairly complete specimen, and comparably sized modern shrews and marsupial mice offer an extant group.

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