shrewder in a sentence

Use ‘shrewder’ in a sentence | ‘shrewder’ example sentences

1- Or maybe he is shrewder than that .

2- And his shrewder instincts are, of course, correct.

3- By informed accounts, the Chinese have been far shrewder .

4- According to Lea Tsemel , since then something shrewder happened.

5- Arafat was truly the shrewder politician.

6- The protagonist is the sixth militia chief , but he is shrewder than his predecessors.

7- But she was shrewder than Theda had supposed, as she was brought to realise next day.

8- Is any shrewder trick upon the cards To enrich them? pray instruct me how it’s done.

9- Jay-Z also compares himself to the deity and invokes ” Strange Fruit,” but in a shrewder context.

10- No shrewder opportunist had sat on the English throne, but his opportunism was harnessed to some guiding principles.

11- Zack was a little red-headed fellow–very shrewd & with the idea that he was much shrewder than he was.

12- As for Wilson being the Queen ‘s favourite, he says: “She is a lot shrewder than that”.

13- It is possible he was shrewder than he is given credit for, and played to his audience’s perception of him.

14- Forget the shambling, apologetic gait, forget the quizzical expression: the game has known few shrewder competitors than the Gnome.

15- His shrewder instincts tell him that this protest at mass unemployment and corrupt business ethics is, in all probability, pure media hype.

16- Some of the shrewder politicians of the period realized this; they saw how inconclusive wars generally were, and attempted to attain their ends by more sensible means.

17- So rather than orienting itself towards a total war it cannot win, China’s military strategy serves a smaller, but shrewder purpose – pushing the United States out of China’s backyard.

18- Charlie’s face changed from the face of the bank-clerk to that of an unknown and – though he would not have believed this – a much shrewder man.

19- Lendl’s concern that Mecir’s shrewder shots would pass him in mid-court made for a characteristic back-court performance and a 6-4, 4-6, 4-6, 6-1, 6-4 victory for a $100,000 (£62,500) prize.

20- That Mr. Stephens said precisely the opposite was not surprising, for he is a shrewder man than his chief, and knew that while “secession” is simple folly, revolution may always hope to gain dignity by success.

21- Louisa found her cousin’s whimpers more unnerving than the story itself, but Henry, older, shrewder , discerned an encouraging element of titillation in Laetitia’s fear.

22- To succeed in a plot was to have a shrewd head, to divine a plot a still shrewder ; but to try to provide against having to do either was to break up your party and to be afraid of your adversaries.

23- Oddly enough, Ceauşescu was always a shrewder judge of the likely choice for the highest offices of democratic electorates than of who would come out on top of the Soviet politburo.

24- Legitimate drug rackets are after all not only lucrative – there’s gold in them there pills (Klass 1975) – but they also provide the occasion for seeing oneself – if you are involved in them – as sharper, shrewder , and more powerful than those ending up the wrong side of the law.

25- And even shrewder option is to use a discount fund supermarket or broker which will not only cut the initial charge but will also reduce the annual cost by rebating some of the commission it receives .

26- The Princess had known Andrew since childhood and had always been aware that beneath the brash, noisy mask was a much shrewder and lonelier character than he or his family would admit.

27- The expedition had demanded the services of nearly every officer in the army of the United States, and in the toils of the march, in the close companionship of the camp, in the excitement of battle, the shrewder spirits probed the characters of their comrades to the quick.

28- Since leaving the warren of the snares they had become warier, shrewder , a tenacious band who understood each other and worked together.

29- Abbado, too, now takes a shrewder view of the music than he did in 1977 when he recorded the concerto with Pollini in Vienna for DG. The comedy’s main theme is the use of deceit and the interplay among the characters who think they are shrewder than the next.

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