shortwaves in a sentence

Use ‘shortwaves’ in a sentence | ‘shortwaves’ example sentences

1- Just as in the real atmosphere, the shortwaves turn out to be unstable.

2- Since those early days I have regularly listened to the shortwaves learning a great deal in the process.

3- My listening experience on the shortwaves has brought me in contact with countless peoples of this diverse planet, from Greenland to Spanish Sahara, Antarctica to Tahiti.

4- Tuning is amazingly smooth, adjusting the regen control and tuning knob for good HiFi slope detection isn’t any harder then tuning a regular well built regen for SSB or CW reception on the shortwaves .

5- It was not a uniformly creative search for reality: some people did not listen to news, and others did not interrogate the shortwaves with the sharp skill and interest exhibited so unexpectedly in the tent outside Ajdabiya.

6- Only a few shortwave low-power broad- casting stations remained in operation in Cuba in the 1950s, each of which was dedicated to transmitting on shortwaves the ordinary commercial programs broadcast by an associ- ated medium-wave station serving a national audience.

7- One of the 500 mb shortwaves that had propagated from the Rocky Mountains into the central plain states had induced the deepening of a 990 mb low over northwestern Missouri.

8- It is, however, useful in convective storm prediction, as it illustrates the placement and movement of air masses and of moisture, as well as shortwaves and areas of vorticity and lift.

9- These shortwaves provided a mechanism for the deepening of surface low pressure areas, which followed the upper level flow from southwest to northeast.

10- Tropical cyclones often transform into extratropical cyclones at the end of their tropical existence, usually between 30° and 40° latitude, where there is sufficient forcing from upper-level troughs or shortwaves riding the Westerlies for the process of extratropical transition to begin.

11- PVA typically is found in advance of disturbances aloft (i.e., shortwaves ), and is a property which often enhances the potential precipitation.

12- By 12 UTC on April 3, a large-scale trough extended over most of the contiguous United States, with several modest shortwaves rotating around the broad base of the trough.

13- “Grenzwelle”: 1.605-4 MHz and “Kurzwelle” ( shortwaves ) 4-30 MHz

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