shortsightedness in a sentence

Use ‘shortsightedness’ in a sentence | ‘shortsightedness’ example sentences

1- This shortsightedness quickly led to misery and soul searching.

2- It was the political hypocrisy and shortsightedness of our elected bodies .

3- We can use capitalism ‘s shortsightedness against it.

4- Already we are experiencing the consequence of our shortsightedness and folly.

5- They show shortsightedness , megalomania and the will to control.

6- Habit blinds them to some things: shortsightedness to others.

7- All those contacts adequately proper the shortsightedness , longsightedness and astigmia illnesses.

8- Ontario’s education bureaucrats have been criticised in the past for their shortsightedness .

9- The Republicans are hogtied by their own stupidity, venality and shortsightedness .

10- Men’s shortsightedness is hurting their own wallets and it is hurting the global economy.

11- The authority ‘s economic shortsightedness will cost the next several generations’ health and life.

12- They will start work first on patients with a relatively low level of shortsightedness .

13- Your weakness might be shortsightedness .

14- It is neither populism nor shortsightedness that has led citizens to reject the policies imposed upon them .

15- Up until now the statesmen, through unbelievable shortsightedness , have neglected or failed their duty.

16- To not encourage our mothers to breast feed is an unnatural and potentially serious case of shortsightedness .

17- There is hardly anything that shows the shortsightedness or capriciousness of the imagination more than travelling does.

18- Brodsky’s mentor, Anna Akhmatova, laughed at the K.G.B.’s shortsightedness .

19- At the same time, the body-centric pedagogy of design build studios is susceptible to incredible shortsightedness .

20- Layman does a good job of revealing her tenacity and quick mind, however hampered by some shortsightedness .

21- Rather, the poet has come to realize his own shortsightedness in his obsession with youth’s materialism.

22- His shortsightedness is breathtaking.

23- You would think the television academy , of all institutions, would understand the shortsightedness of genre elitism.

24- Incidentally, all the children who read this passage were confused about the nature of colour-blindness and shortsightedness .

25- Minor ear problems and reversible shortsightedness were the only observed side effects of the treatment, but caution is needed.

26- Dahl’s shortsightedness and tunnel vision are also apparent in the even bigger project that followed the Oak Street triumph.

27- Had the other parties united, this could have been prevented, but their shortsightedness made a united front impossible.

28- Capitalist shortsightedness wedded to postmodern philosophy may offer the only real life-support system that the Muslim reformation can hope for.

29- Prudent policy makers should not get swept up by the shortsightedness of the alarmist media coverage of human-induced global warming.

30- This shortsightedness is strikingly exemplified in the calls from many businessmen for wage and price guidelines or controls or income policies.

31- Although Creighton’s shortsightedness prevented his participation in cricket and football, he was able to join the college rowing team.

32- Not only does both long and shortsightedness occur when someone is born with this condition, but eyesight can even be blurred.

33- All through this process a single eye may possibly be dealt with for shortsightedness while the other is dealt with for longsightedness .

34- Many tattoos are done under the folly of shortsightedness , but Kirby seems like one of those things that you’ll stop having a deep love for as you age.

35- As usual, the problems that arise, if they do, will be the result of political contingency and shortsightedness (“how will this play in the marginals?”) and nothing to do with the challenge itself (“how do we make Britain more competitive?”).

36- People, including the media, begin their analysis of the crash from the standpoint that it was all caused by greed and shortsightedness on the part of the bankers, which pushed them to take bigger and bigger risks on derivatives based on the US housing market.

37- He warned that “time will prove that the Socialist Party and the People’s Party have acted with gross political shortsightedness “.

38- When considering it alongside the dim view of human nature that Starewicz expresses in his other films, we can easily see his true moral: when left unchecked, humans’ ignorance and shortsightedness will inevitably lead them to ruin (a favorite theme of his).

39- Everyone at the meeting bemoaned the shortsightedness of a long-ago city council that failed to buy an earlier park site when it became available.

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