shortsightedly in a sentence

Use ‘shortsightedly’ in a sentence | ‘shortsightedly’ example sentences

1- Categories are good things ; they are bad, when we view them shortsightedly , without any sense of GRADATION.

2- Pip shortsightedly discarded the good that he had with Joe and the certainty of a good and simple life with Biddy, a young woman in the village about Pip’s age, for the superficial appeal of a gentleman’s life in London.

3- It has been suggested that environmentalists are acting shortsightedly by trying to stop a technology that might actually help the environment in the long term.

4- Subaru shortsightedly introduced a “Subaru Coolant Additive” which was essentially a form of stop-leak in response to the head gasket leaks.

5- In spite of a number of discoveries by the American geologist Fox (1943) and others, post-war assessment by an American geographer concluded shortsightedly that there were no useful resources in Afghanistan about which there should be any diplomatic concern.

6- They shortsightedly viewed the Federalist party as their own tool and ignored the need to pull together the entire nation in the face of war with France.

7- Today, when Florrie arrived at the corner-shop and rapped on the closed front door, Aunt Emily lifted the roller-blind and peered shortsightedly at her through the glass.

8- Following the show’s cancellation, CBS shortsightedly sold the films to NBC, which immediately aired reruns five days a week to great financial returns.

9- In 2008, Obama attacked McCain’s plan as a tax increase, just as Republicans today are shortsightedly attacking Obamacare’s excise tax on employer-paid benefits, among other things.

10- They have, shortsightedly , enjoyed the low wages they pay, as the rest of us fight over ever-fewer family wage jobs.

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