shortsighted in a sentence

Use ‘shortsighted’ in a sentence | ‘shortsighted’ example sentences

1- This policy is shortsighted and ultimately counterproductive .

2- This is a prime example of shortsighted publishing strategy.

3- They are blind and shortsighted for sure.

4- The design team believed this simpler view to be rather shortsighted .

5- PDP’s leaders and manifesto are too narrow minded and shortsighted .

6- How ” shortsighted ” can this govt get.

7- However , this technique may be slightly shortsighted .

8- What a shortsighted post from an idiot!

9- I guess you could call them shortsighted .

10- It is, in short, shortsighted .

11- It’s a shortsighted desperation play that is doomed to failure.

12- Only stupidity and shortsighted opinions like yours are to be blamed .

13- He treats them as shortsighted , intolerant and abusive prophets.

14- Perhaps we are more shortsighted than we think?

15- But this can be a shortsighted move.

16- Why have we been we so shortsighted ?

17- The shortsighted policies of borrowing on our future had led to disaster .

18- Its members are very shortsighted if spans of decades are taken into consideration.

19- Is Yahoo ‘s telework ban shortsighted or savvy?

20- To see research students in that way is educationally shortsighted .

21- Which is not only a shame, it’s very shortsighted .

22- Stupid , shortsighted Republicans help Democratic Party win over the young.

23- Employees claimed they had no control over the farmer’s shortsighted decisions.

24- Chloe also looks to the future, whereas Lois is more shortsighted .

25- It just stuns me how so many are so shortsighted !

26- Instead of shortsighted geopolitical goals , and the national interest of Israel.

27- It needs an industrial strategy founded on commercial logic rather than shortsighted bureaucratic principles.

28- They never listen to anyone else , so listening to them seems shortsighted .

29- It would be shortsighted to count Longshore out next year.

30- This is shortsighted in the extreme .

31- The attention span they require is short and the purview they offer shortsighted .

32- Anyone who didn’t see this coming is shortsighted as they come.

33- We’d have to be shortsighted and self-defeating.

34- Leaving out the benefits in a cost-benefit analysis is shortsighted and impractical.

35- To say that Google+ sucks is shortsighted , ignorant and dim-witted!

36- That decision can be most shortsighted .

37- You weren’t shortsighted like him.

38- Jim_C Men do ” foolish and shortsighted ” pretty darn well, themselves.

39- But to Camp, the view that psychiatric treatment is less deserving is shortsighted .

40- His belief that a female wants to change everything about her man is shortsighted . Pessimists saw a shortsighted effort to appease Wall Street’s hunger for higher margins.

41- This shortsighted view of Chipotle’s guidance does not take the company into long-term consideration.

42- People rushed out of the building but Burnett who, at the age of 71, was partially deaf and shortsighted, was the only one not to move.

43- They are more usually caused by shortsighted or poorly chosen default configurations.

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