shorting in a sentence

Use ‘shorting’ in a sentence | ‘shorting’ example sentences

1- This move is called shorting the stock .

2- shorting the cell may achieve the same objective.

3- Tape any bare wires to prevent shorting .

4- shorting has much more influence than its size would suggest.

5- You’re ultimately shorting yourself by not having either platform.

6- Will I be shorting myself 26 years of service?

7- shorting the market means selling shares you have borrowed.

8- Try shorting the low volt connection on the unit.

9- While overall volumes increased, shorting was driven by corporate bond activity.

10- Honda dealers will replace the shorting computer, free of charge.

11- You simply drain the power source by shorting it out.

12- July also saw increased shorting in the Technology sector.

13- Applicable shorting bars typically include two or four poles.

14- He just wants to make money shorting the stock .

15- shorting the leads together gives “feedback” voltage to the chip.

16- This allowed him to profit off shorting the 1987 stock market crash.

17- The coat prevents corrosion and leakage currents or shorting due to condensation.

18- A more serious problem arose when the magnetic coils started shorting out.

19- Emerging technology is shorting the time window when current technology is feasible.

20- Make even more money bu shorting stock .

21- Listed below are several research reports on buying and shorting IRDM.

22- Odd man : I’m shorting them.

23- shorting each input to ground, I then tested each LED.

24- It kinda make it difficult to measure some stuff without shorting things.

25- So , Rogers believes he is shorting North Korea.

26- So why not tips on shorting the stockmarket?

27- Jim Rogers gleefully admits to shorting the rupee .

28- Hence, shorting the market now could be a mistake.

29- As with the prevalence of naked shorting , the effects are contested.

30- She attempts to issue a warning to the heroes before shorting out.

31- Fekete disputes the claims of “naked shorting ” of precious metals markets.

32- Olivia goes to grip Jessica, shorting out power in the laboratory.

33- Then, the shorting takes place, while the NC contacts remain untouched.

34- shorting is not for maiden aunts.

35- Saxena is not averse to shorting stocks.

36- It was trimmed somewhat during final assembly to reduce the possibility of it shorting .

37- He was wildly enthusiastic about how powerful a management tool that shorting ingredients was .

38- If unit now powers on, isolate to the shorting SCSI device.

39- Conversely, if you are shorting stocks, watch out for dividend declarations.

40- shorting the PM motor generates electromagnetic fields that are opposite the direction of rotation. “We immediately said we have no clients doing ‘naked shorting,’ but they didn’t believe us.

41- But shorting is much riskier than buying stocks, or what’s known as taking a long position.

42- ” The IMF said there was no strong evidence that stock prices fell because of shorting.

43- To avoid shorting together different interconnection layers, thin insulating cards were placed between them.

44- Jacob Little was known as The Great Bear of Wall Street who began shorting stocks in the United States in 1822.

45- Le Chiffre ends up losing Obanno’s money when one of his stock shorting schemes fails due to Bond’s intervention.

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