shorthorns in a sentence

Use ‘shorthorns’ in a sentence | ‘shorthorns’ example sentences

1- There were 12 classes of shorthorns at the fair.

2- The Bates shorthorns commanded high prices.

3- The first aircraft used there were Maurice Farman S.11 shorthorns .

4- The shorthorns featured sixty head making up most of the pedigreed cattle exhibit.

5- Men were said to have “looked and marveled” at these shorthorns .

6- The ranch also boasted several Brahman bulls, as well as Beef shorthorns and Herefords.

7- In the 18th century they crossbred with shorthorns ; fully grown crossbreeds weighed 420–560 pounds.

8- The first seventeen were certified in June 1917, using Maurice Farman shorthorns , and organized as its own department.

9- shorthorns and Highlands also helped in the nineteenth-century improvements, and today the Salers is often crossed with the Charolais.

10- Australia has also developed its own milking shorthorns , especially the Illawarra based on nineteenth-century British imports (see Australian section).

11- Mr. McMa han is one of the largest cattle raisers of the section, and makes a specialty of the Durham shorthorns .

12- No Shetlands, either showing or on breed stands, which was a bit of a shame but a fair number of Welsh Blacks, Traditional Herefords, shorthorns and, maybe surprisingly, a good smattering of Highland cattle.

13- Farmers also sought to introduce better stocks of cattle, including Devonshires beginning in 1819; Ayrshires in 1822; Guernseys in 1830; shorthorns in 1835; Jerseys in 1846; and Holsteins some time after 1860.

14- Operating a mixture of aircraft including Caudrons, Maurice Farman shorthorns , Maurice Farman Longhorns and Martinsydes, the MHF initially undertook unarmed reconnaissance operations, before undertaking light bombing operations later in the year after being attached to No. 30 Squadron RFC.

15- The Brahmans, which were native to South Asia, were well adapted to thrive in South Texas’ hot climate; they were crossed with the ranch’s Beef shorthorns to produce the ranch’s own trademark stock – the Santa Gertrudis cattle, which were recognized as a breed in 1940.

16- The Galloways, which were the breed in vogue at first, have been to a large extent replaced by shorthorns and Ayrshire dairy cattle.

17- Its most noted occupants were Edward Wilson, editor of The Argus, and an acclimatation enthusiast, and Robert McDougall, a famed breeder of the Booth strain of shorthorns .

18- Iowa: An exhibit on crossbreeding shorthorns and galloway cattle, influence of different grain rations on economy, measurements of animals at different stages of growth.

19- He has met with great success in the breeding of shorthorns and thoroughbred Oxford Down sheep, the most of his young stock being sold to his neigh bors for breeding purposes.

20- HENRY K. FAIRBAIRN, proprietor of “Rose Cottage Farm,” in Bosanquet township, is one of the best-known cattle breeders in Lambton County, having gained his reputation through nineteen years of suc cessful handling of shorthorns .

21- During the nineteenth century attempts were made to improve the monks’ breed by using various imported bulls, including Durham shorthorns , Scottish Highlands, red North Devons and, in particular, Swiss Browns, at a time when the Aubrac’s main roles were in milk production and draught work.

22- The most common colour is solid dark red and the breed originated from local red-and-white Breton cattle (such as the Breton Red Pied and possibly the Froment du Léon) crossed with Durham shorthorns from 1840.

23- In 1957 there were still some 300,000 Bretons but the breed was heavily crossed with the similarly coloured but unrelated Friesian, in much the same way as the red-and-white Bretons had been crossed with shorthorns and eventually replaced by the Meuse-Rhine-Yssel.

24- In the nineteenth century (mainly during the latter half) some Durham shorthorns were imported to make the local type heavier in build and some Cassel bulls were also imported from France.

25- At first it was included with other shorthorns in the Coates herdbook from its inception in 1822, but in 1896 the Lincoln became separate and established its own Lincoln Red herdbook.

26- In nineteenth-century Queensland it was claimed that Devons produced as much beef per acre as Herefords or shorthorns and also produced a good proportion of lean meat to fat when crossed with the Shorthorn.

27- However, during the eighteenth century it came into competition with the Longhorns and shorthorns and by 1790 very few pure Gloucester herds remained.

28- The British have imported Dutch cattle for at least three centuries (references go back to 1681) and initially they formed the basis of the famous shorthorns .

29- The Tyneside shorthorns were very similar to the Ayrshire in 1790 and even as late as 1887 there was a Dutch breed in Drenthe which looked exactly like the Ayrshire of the time.

30- This downward arc is also seen most noticeably in the Murcian, a Spanish breed, and the shorthorns of Britain often have drooping horns as well.

31- The Longhorn faded into relative obscurity quite quickly, once it had been overshadowed by the new shorthorns , but the latter spread to many parts of the world, improving local cattle and forming the basis of countless new breeds.

32- It is uncertain whether these small shorthorns were simply the result of a gradual diminution in size of the earlier British cattle, possibly from a combination of selection and lack of nutrition, or were imported from Europe in the Bronze Age.

33- shorthorns

34- Brayton shorthorns

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