shorthorn in a sentence

Use ‘shorthorn’ in a sentence | ‘shorthorn’ example sentences

1- He was also an enthusiastic breeder of shorthorn cattle.

2- Oh it was shorthorn and Aberdeen Angus mainly .

3- The shorthorn breed of cattle was the most popular breed in 1904.

4- Calgary: Alberta shorthorn Association, 1982.

5- Herd improvement started in 1881 with the purchase of 200 shorthorn bulls.

6- shorthorn steers were judged by I. M. Forbes.

7- The once-widespread Beef shorthorn is now a relatively uncommon sight.

8- The Bates shorthorns commanded high prices.

9- Besides farming, Ross and his brother Peter also raised shorthorn cattle.

10- His first solo flight was in a Maurice Farman ” shorthorn “.

11- He has for many years been interested in the breeding of fine shorthorn cattle.

12- The others are Highland, Longhorn, shorthorn and Galloway.

13- Santa Gertrudis cattle were produced through mating Brahman cattle with shorthorn cattle. 19.

14- Smiley of Iowa supplied most of the pure-bred shorthorn steers.

15- Very soon the Longhorn was completely eclipsed by the new, improved shorthorn .

16- But it was just the shorthorn and the Aberdeen Angus that was at Holland.

17- Type I AFP is found in winter flounder, longhorn sculpin and shorthorn sculpin.

18- It was not until the eighteenth century that the history of the shorthorn became clearly recorded.

19- The shorthorn show was said to have peaked at the two-year old and yearling female classes.

20- Mature Beef shorthorn bulls weigh about 800kg, and the cows about 500kg on average.

21- The Australian Beef shorthorn has become naturally adapted to the tropical northern regions and its population is high.

22- The main British breeds within this group are the Beef shorthorn and the dual-purpose Dairy shorthorn.

23- The main British breeds within this group are the Beef shorthorn and the dual-purpose Dairy shorthorn .

24- He has been very extensively engaged in raising cattle and horses, making a specialty of shorthorn Durhams.

25- In South Africa the Beef shorthorn has the highest cow efficiency ratio of all the country’s breeds.

26- He also “built a silo, from which he feeds a large number of thoroughbred shorthorn cattle.

27- Other fish suggested as potential prey include lumpsuckers, shorthorn sculpins, cod, crustaceans, and sand lance.

28- Many Aberdonians emigrated to Canada in that period and took the Cruickshank or Scotch shorthorn with them.

29- It produces a good faster-growing cross to a shorthorn bull (typically Whitebred or Beef shorthorn).

30- It produces a good faster-growing cross to a shorthorn bull (typically Whitebred or Beef shorthorn ).

31- Just as the Argentina’s shorthorn has evolved, so did the Argentine Hereford through crossbreeding with local breeds.

32- For years he was a member of the Dominion of Canada shorthorn Durham Breeders Asso ciation of Toronto.

33- Mr. McMahan has long been a breeder of shorthorn Dur ham cattle, and deals extensively in cattle and horses.

34- The Lincoln Red was originally included in the shorthorn herdbook but split away in 1941 (see separate entry).

35- There was also at least a century of crossing with shorthorn , Hereford, Aberdeen Angus and Red Poll.

36- shorthorns and Highlands also helped in the nineteenth-century improvements, and today the Salers is often crossed with the Charolais.

37- For a while Ayrshire and Durham shorthorn bulls were used on the Breton cows but the results were not worth while.

38- Milk from the shorthorn herd at Sokenholes would be taken down Hungers Lane and over Rother Bridge to Petworth Station.

39- The breed is generally larger than the Beef shorthorn , with mature bulls averaging 900kg and cows 600-635kg.

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