shorthands in a sentence

Use ‘shorthands’ in a sentence | ‘shorthands’ example sentences

1- There are some further shorthands usually used.

2- The same is true for other shorthands .

3- Script shorthands are based on the motions of ordinary handwriting.

4- You can add new or modify shorthands using the Shorthand Editor.

5- We begin with the generic core operators and then present common special cases and shorthands .

6- Other shorthands are slightly different.

7- Certain shorthands for commonly used words are used to keep up with the rapid rate of delivery.

8- shorthands that use simplified letterforms are sometimes termed stenographic shorthands, contrasting with alphabetic shorthands, below.

9- shorthands that use simplified letterforms are sometimes termed stenographic shorthands , contrasting with alphabetic shorthands, below.

10- shorthands that use simplified letterforms are sometimes termed stenographic shorthands, contrasting with alphabetic shorthands , below.

11- Global search and replace functions can then be used to turn these keyboard shorthands into the proper characters.

12- Escapes come in several varieties: character entry, class shorthands , constraint escapes, and back references.

13- Besides the generic form, there are two other forms to declare an annotation, which are shorthands .

14- Stenographic shorthands can be further differentiated by the target letter forms as geometric, script, and semi-script or elliptical.

15- Geometric shorthands are based on circles, parts of circles, and straight lines placed strictly horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

16- Darwin’s life as he actually lived it does not boil down to the sort of shorthands that people like Weisberg toss around.

17- All disciplines generate shorthands , and provided we remind ourselves that that is what they are, and are prepared at a moment’s notice to cash them out in terms of a fuller, and particularly text-based, account, there should be no problem in employing them.

18- In other words, these are contemporary shorthands with which we are trying to discuss textual, historical and theological data which are in themselves sufficiently complex to warrant the use of summary labels.

19- In the same manner and in analogy to SQL aggregates, a number of further shorthands are provided, including counting, average, minimum, maximum, and Boolean quantifiers.

20- Features, whether affected or throwback to particular aristocratic shorthands include ‘jah’ for yes; “(s)he’s rairly, rairly (really, really) nice’, or shortened (‘Nick’s’ for Harvey Nichols; ‘Rods’ for Harrods; ‘Fred’s’ for Fortnum and Mason’s).

21- In his book, “”, David Crystal says that texters in all eleven languages use “lol”, “u”, “brb”, and “gr8”, all English-based shorthands .

22- He developed a system of shorthands based on the seal script, called “jiyin zimu” (記音字母), later adopted as the basis of zhuyin.

23- Alphabetic shorthands cannot be written at the speeds theoretically possible with symbol systems–200 words per minute or more–but require only a fraction of the time to acquire a useful speed of between 60 and 100 words per minute.

24- Its presence can be accounted for by the assumption that they are shorthands for a larger phrase in which the name is a specifier, i.e. “the Amazon River”, “the Hebrides Islands”.

25- In practice, several useful shorthands are expected to be available, of which the most important are candidate key (really, superkey) and foreign key constraints.

26- However, the shorthands are rarely used due to difficulty of entering them on computers, and are confined mainly to Esperanto keyboard layouts.

27- Furthermore, in English Braille there are three levels of encoding: Grade 1, a letter-by-letter transcription used for basic literacy; Grade 2, an addition of abbreviations and contractions; and Grade 3, various non-standardized personal shorthands .

28- In these shorthands , R, R’, and R” represent substituents, alkyl or other attached, generally organic groups.

29- You pointed to the term being used in a further two countries , as if that somehow negates the GP’s point that you should not expect everyone on an international network to be familiar with your particular culture’s abbreviations and other shorthands .

30- “Grade 3” is not a single system, but any of various personal shorthands .

31- Nicknames and shorthands

32- Bruce A. Martin further proposed that the prefixes be abandoned altogether, and the letter B be used as a binary exponent, similar to E notation, to create shorthands like 3B20 for 3×220

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