shortfalls in a sentence

Use ‘shortfalls’ in a sentence | ‘shortfalls’ example sentences

1- The central government was faced with chronic revenue shortfalls .

2- These shortfalls will leave many community groups scrambling.

3- Uzbekistan has encountered severe budget shortfalls in its education program.

4- From where do these budgeting shortfalls emerge?

5- shortfalls of electricity occur periodically, when drought reduces water flow.

6- These factors created significant financial shortfalls in the airport’s revenues.

7- Income shortfalls are made up for by government support programs.

8- The city must pay any project shortfalls , Orlando said.

9- Our workload does not diminish because of budget shortfalls .

10- Given revenue shortfalls , this was a virtual certainty.

11- Other boards were constrained by severe financial shortfalls resulting in deferred maintenance.

12- The Philippine Navy addressed these shortfalls through modernization programs.

13- This holiday season, many nonprofit organizations are preparing for financial shortfalls .

14- The shortfalls continued to the end of 1941.

15- Weakening tax payments create massive budget shortfalls .

16- There are inevitably shortfalls in stroke car all over the place.

17- Review your spending patterns carefully to see where the shortfalls occur.

18- shortfalls of magnesium, iron, and calcium were totally replaced.

19- Table one details the benefits and shortfalls of both data streams.

20- The shortfalls in both cases were not claimed by Kickstarter .

21- Any shortfalls in this area would be condemned harshly.

22- The terahertz gap is caused by two general shortfalls .

23- Usually offering shortfalls have little to do with income.

24- The most crucial equipment shortfalls were in rifles and divisional light artillery.

25- The UFL no longer is playing due to systemic financial shortfalls .

26- However , it does have its shortfalls .

27- Altogether, the revenue shortfalls were nothing short of cataclysmic.

28- Projected budget shortfalls left us scrambling to make ends meet.

29- New Zealand created another sovereign wealth fund to meet future social security shortfalls .

30- Faculty and staff are also affected by Nevada’s budget shortfalls .

31- In FY 2008, the program faced funding shortfalls in several states.

32- This also can cause erroneous nonzero shortfalls .

33- A recent study cited dangerous intersections and low efficiency as its primary shortfalls .

34- Unavoidable shortfalls of staffing levels are made known to the immediate manager.

35- For now , investors will have to settle for narrower shortfalls .

36- Families receiving out of work benefits face even greater shortfalls of income.

37- This identified a number of problems and shortfalls with the existing stock.

38- As editing progressed, budget shortfalls prevented BSÉ from finalizing contracts.

39- By creating a closed-loop management system, companies can avoid such shortfalls .

40- The debt and funding shortfalls necessitate the rate hikes , McAnallen said. They have also seen shortfalls in beef supply due to use of antibiotics.

41- It is loans that could turn bad, spelling higher than expected capital shortfalls.

42- This is not a “normal commodity cycle,” he says, and will create huge revenue shortfalls for years.

43- Also known as institutional forgetting, corporate amnesia is among the biggest constraints to decision making excellence and a massive contributor to productivity shortfalls.

44- The headroom available to Russia and Ukraine was larger than any of the individual shortfalls of the OECD countries other than the US.

45- The process for CWID begins with identification of requirements, gaps, or shortfalls by the Combatant Commands.

46- Congress acknowledged these funding decreases and retroactively provided the funds to cover shortfalls, but without the guarantee of permanent aid.

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