shortens in a sentence

Use ‘shortens’ in a sentence | ‘shortens’ example sentences

1- Use of the active voice alone shortens sentence length considerably.

2- Traditionally slower charging prevented overheating, which shortens cycle durability.

3- This significantly shortens development times for new models.

4- There is concern from earlier studies that the disorder shortens life.

5- This new approach is less traumatic and shortens recovery time.

6- You reported that, washing potatoes shortens their storage life?

7- Having more users reduces the variability and shortens the tails.

8- This lowers development cost and shortens time to market .

9- However, using her magic shortens her lifespan.

10- Some people think that eating dates shortens labor .

11- There have also been claims that HGH slightly shortens life span.

12- This organisational structure inevitably shortens lifespans and should be avoided.

13- The “Fusion” flexographic printing press shortens set-up times.

14- In preparation for childbirth, the woman’s cervix shortens .

15- And so the breath shortens : yours and hers.

16- This shortens the sustain significantly causing a muting effect.

17- This shortens the time between corporate bankruptcy filing and reorganization plan confirmation.

18- The new highway shortens the drive from California by 100 miles.

19- Lack of flexibility: Cycling shortens a number of muscles.

20- This speeds up processing and shortens the response time to clients.

21- A higher mobility shortens the response time of photodetectors.

22- The car ride is long but it shortens the time spent walking.

23- It is a road that shortens distance by 20 to 30 km.

24- France shortens the term for military service from 26 months to 18.

25- CAD shortens lead times, makes quotations more accurate and faster to prepare.

26- Sloth,by bringing on diseases, absolutely shortens life.

27- This shortens the telomere of the daughter DNA strand.

28- This creates destructive interference, which shortens the FID.

29- Instead, he shortens it to the first letter.

30- Well, her act only shortens Rushdie’s pathetic life.

31- Laptop users report, however, that enabling Aero shortens battery life.

32- The posture puts an unnatural stress on the spine and shortens the neck.

33- Being heavy puts our pets at higher risk for arthritis and shortens life expectancy.

34- However the technique shortens the users lifespan if used without the proper breathing technique.

35- Knowledge sharing by these founders shortens the loop between failed companies and successful ones.

36- The Jerusalem artichoke starts to form tubers when daylength shortens .

37- The clitoris shortens and withdraws beneath the clitoral hood.

38- Each time a somatic cell replicates, the telomeric DNA component shortens .

39- Both the length and height of the footstep shortens with PGP.

40- This layout shortens the length of the weapon, while retaining the barrel length. There is a German proverb which observes that cheerful company shortens the journey.

41- A small “z.” shortens another very long word, “zu” – which means in this case “to” or “at.”

42- The underspill shortens the time it takes for the upstream and downstream water levels to equal.

43- Bipennate muscle is stronger than unipennate – it shortens less than unipennate muscles but develops greater tension when it does.

44- Their period of revolution shortens dramatically as the stars shrink (due to conservation of angular momentum ); some spin at over 600 revolutions per second.

45- Dresden decides that she needs a normal name, so he shortens her name to Ivy.

46- A passing gravitational wave will slightly stretch one arm as it shortens the other.

47- Opened on 11 July 1998, it shortens the distance from Reykjavík to the western and northern parts of the island by 45 km.

48- The TUAAM automatically tunes the antenna, and artificially shortens it rather than lengthening it, but essentially it performs the same function as a TURF.

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