shortenings in a sentence

Use ‘shortenings’ in a sentence | ‘shortenings’ example sentences

1- The shortenings still contain some trans fat.

2- As with the shortenings of the definite article, these are colloquial.

3- None of these forms are slang or shortenings , and all are encountered in writing.

4- At the same time, the first tectonic shortenings and uplifts affected the eastern Pyrenees.

5- However, it became distinctive in Late Common Slavic after several shortenings and lengthenings had occurred.

6- These foods include those high in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as many hard margarines and shortenings .

7- The revamped shortenings contain fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil with lower amounts of partially hydrogenated cottonseed and soybean oil.

8- Archer Daniels Midland Company announces the launch of NovaLipidTM zero and reduced trans-fat oils and shortenings .

9- Limit use of solid fats, such as butter, hard margarines, lard, and partially hydrogenated shortenings .

10- There are also a number of shortenings of the name, the most widely used being Becca, Beckee and Becky.

11- He told us that they extract oil from copra and make many things out of it such as Covo shortenings and soaps.

12- Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as those used in many margarines and shortenings , contain a particular form of unsaturated fat known as trans-fatty acids that may raise blood cholesterol levels, although not as much as saturated fat.

13- Yet oils call foods foods in enough shortenings there found only best offers online cialis pharmacy partially enough in cookies are other hydrogenated or vegetable with snack crackers some fried four made.

14- The intervention group was instructed to reduce saturated fats (from animal fats, common margarines and shortenings ) to less than 10% of energy intake and to increase linoleic acid (from safflower oil and safflower oil polyunsaturated margarine) to 15% of energy intake.

15- The main sources of trans fat are foods made with hydrogenated oils such as some margarines, shortenings , cookies, crackers, cakes, pies, snack foods, and fried foods.

16- Trans fats are used in shortenings for deep-frying in restaurants, as they can be used for longer than most conventional oils before becoming rancid.

17- Such shortenings were variously formed and very numerous: more than 250 shortenings of names in Phil(l)-, “love,” and related roots, have been counted.

18- Such shortenings were variously formed and very numerous: more than 250 shortenings of names in Phil(l)-, “love,” and related roots, have been counted.

19- Applications include: baked goods and mixes, pancake mixes, cake icings, fillings, and toppings, dehydrated fruits and vegetables, creamers, frozen desserts, liquid shortenings , precooked instant rice, and pudding mixes.

20- The advent of predictive text input and smartphones featuring full QWERTY keyboards may contribute to a reduction in the use of shortenings in SMS language, although this has not yet been noted.

21- However, the long vowels also acquired different quality from the short ones, so that the lengthenings and shortenings did not cause them to merge.

22- shortenings such as “tuppence” are now rarely heard, and terms such as “tanner” (the silver sixpence), which previously designated amounts of money, are no longer used.

23- In the United Kingdom he would usually be referred to either as James Bass, J. R. Bass or James Ronald Bass, or he may choose Ronald Bass, and informally there may be familiar shortenings .

24- There is some confusion between these shortenings , especially in the southern South Island, and the natural variations of the southern dialect of Māori.

25- Check the ingredient list on food labels and avoid anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, which are usually found in stick margarines, shortenings , salad dressings, and other packaged foods.

26- Poly- or monounsaturated oils – and margarines and spreads made from these oils – should be used in limited amounts in place of fats with a high saturated fat content, such as butter, lard or hydrogenated shortenings .

27- Trans Fats are made by bubbling hydrogen through vegetable oil (called hydrogenation) and can be found in a lot of stick margarines, some vegetable shortenings , commercially fried foods, some processed foods, and some commercially made baked goods and crackers, to name a few.

28- Experts say it may be more difficult to find a good replacement for partially hydrogenated vegetable shortenings , which give baked goods like cookies and crackers their characteristic texture.

29- NovaLipid’s range of oils and shortenings can be used in margarine, baking, frying, confectionery, snack and cereal products.

30- You’ll have to supplement to make up for what you’re not getting from butter (the A vitamins, for example, to name but one thing) but you can still get the fats you need without resorting to the deadly processed fats like margarines and shortenings .

31- Pragmatics and context in interpretation of ambiguous shortenings

32- Reductions and shortenings , and omission of parts of speech

33- –Almost all margarine and shortenings contain soybean oil .

34- Butter and all high-fat spreads, shortenings not labelled ‘high in polyunsaturates’ or

35- Differences in column shortenings are

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