shorted in a sentence

Use ‘shorted’ in a sentence | ‘shorted’ example sentences

1- A shorted component is one whose resistance has dramatically decreased.

2- Under the latter, entire indexes are being shorted .

3- Females are usually larger and have shorted tails.

4- Another common electrical problem is shorted or partially shorted circuits.

5- Another common electrical problem is shorted or partially shorted circuits.

6- Hence, the current circuits always need to remain shorted .

7- This also prevents unlimited current feeding back when shorted .

8- An element can also become partially shorted to ground.

9- Now let us suppose that R 2 fails shorted .

10- Job is 25% shorted and Jeremiah is almost 15% shorter.

11- I feel abit shorted in the season pass area anyways .

12- Eventually the leads really shorted out and depleted the battery.

13- That will be the indication of shorted turns.

14- Possible Cause 3: shorted input source RCA cables.

15- His blood had shorted the radio intercom in his helmet.

16- CT may be shorted somewhere. • Check droop adjust.

17- His paychecks have and are being shorted .

18- Others that could be shorted were also not tested.

19- Any readings less than 10K is probably a shorted PCB.

20- One day a cable shorted and they were electrocuted.

21- Although I was shorted on time this episode wrapped up quite nice !

22- A shorted turn or two shorts the fields of all windings.

23- Seawater overwhelmed the starboard generator and it shorted out and died .

24- Placing too many shorted url can be quite exhausting for your visitors .

25- Some relays are sold with the common terminals of the switches shorted internally.

26- Your suggestion was It was shorted .

27- Fire Hazard Cons : shorted out and blew my breaker.

28- The torso can be shorted enough, but not the waist strap.

29- It will still work on 15 volts with these diodes shorted out.

30- Re: Checking for shorted turns using a high wattage light bulb.

31- And what stocks or currencies has Soros shorted before he made this statement?

32- shorted GM Multec injectors are common as well.

33- They shorted out the board, ended up costing themselves a $500 repair.

34- A few were damaged, their mechanism jammed or their power supply shorted out.

35- The seawater then shorted electrical circuits , triggering an automatic shutdown of the reactor.

36- A similar issue comes up with the voting rights attached to the shorted shares.

37- Right now , it’s heavily shorted , reflecting market skepticism about it.

38- Lightning crackled overhead as cables shorted .

39- Originally titled , it was shorted to “Oboro Muramasa” before release.

40- Make the second measurement with the trace shorted to ground at the far end. About 27.7 percent of its shares are on loan, making it the fourth most shorted stock in the country.

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