shortchanging in a sentence

Use ‘shortchanging’ in a sentence | ‘shortchanging’ example sentences

1- Otherwise, we are shortchanging our highest achieving students.

2- All three parties are feeding off each other while shortchanging the electorate.

3- So maybe I’m shortchanging them on the comedy front.

4- This is one commercial release that straddles two cultures without shortchanging either.

5- shortchanging yourself can affect your workout, your weight — even your brainpower.

6- If you donâ€TMt, youâ€TMre probably shortchanging yourself.

7- Gee, shortchanging gender equality for perceived racial equality, where have we seen that before!

8- I was simply shortchanging the trip in order to just get something up there each night.

9- But by putting all our eggs in one basket, we’ve ended up shortchanging ourselves.

10- Unfortunately, most bodybuilders never maximize their quads, because they are forever shortchanging their leg workouts.

11- And while it may go without saying , very few taxpayers think they’re unfairly shortchanging the government.

12- What ‘s more, even 100 years ago, parents thought their children were shortchanging their shuteye time.

13- He is a cheapskate and tries to conserve money as much as possible, shortchanging and cheating people.

14- He managed to work his way up to the position of waiter, but was fired for shortchanging the customers and theft.

15- How taking shortcuts to health via blending fruits and vegetables, and sometimes even by purchasing what we think is fresh, could be shortchanging our health.

16- I think you are shortchanging a LOT of MM Doctors by making the comment that only a few are trying to look for a cure.

17- We’ve previously cited the O’Neill administration’s shortchanging of taxpayers on police levels (which Mayor Foster still refuses to acknowledge, another story).

18- Irate customers were left talking to third rate call centers that coolly explained without using any words that Quark was a cheap company hoping to make fat profits off its loyal customers by shortchanging them in every way possible.

19- In short, Title I tends to reward wealthy states that can raise funds for education with relatively little effort while shortchanging poorer states, including those that make relatively greater effort to fund education.

20- Juggling aesthetics, politics and economics in a history of a national cinema is an ambitious project, but Gian Piero Brunetta’s The History of Italian Cinema manages to dissect each of these topics without shortchanging any of them.

21- I’ve never managed to organize this information as well as I should, and often, I end up shortchanging it because I never feel like digging it out of my hatches when I need it.

22- WASHINGTON (April 1, 2010)–A new report from The Education Trust documents how budgeting practices in school districts across the country are shortchanging low-income students and undermining the power of federal investments in high-poverty schools.

23- Indeed, one of the drivers of physician dissatisfaction is their sense they are shortchanging patients: that they are too rushed, don’t have enough time to listen and aren’t always providing good care.

24- We reject the argument that says for the economy to grow, we have to roll back protections that ban hidden fees by credit card companies, or rules that keep our kids from being exposed to mercury, or laws that prevent the health insurance industry from shortchanging patients.

25- It would invite oil drillers into some of America’s last pristine wilderness areas to eke out a relative trickle of oil, while severely shortchanging conservation and efficiency efforts.

26- The IAPI wrested control of Argentina’s famed grain export sector from entrenched conglomerates such as Bunge y Born; but when commodity prices fell after 1948, it began shortchanging growers.

27- Not only financial, but also political reasons make me want to “go public,” and it’s good to see that doing this doesn’t have to mean shortchanging my son.

28- Walt Disney Co. is alleging that the nation’s biggest video store chain made it a Blockbuster nightmare for the entertainment giant by shortchanging it by $120 million.

29- Janet Maslin of “The New York Times” criticized the film for shortchanging viewers on more details about Jake and Elwood’s affinity for African-American culture.

30- Prosecutors had alleged that Samir Mahmoud Itani and his company American Grocers Ltd. profited from the Middle East conflict by ripping off taxpayers and shortchanging U.S. soldiers in the mess hall.

31- The IAPI began shortchanging growers and, when world grain prices dropped in the late 1940s, it stifled agricultural production, exports and business sentiment, in general.

32- Unlike Hardaway Jr., who knows he could become an All-Star in the NBA, Shumpert might be shortchanging himself by entertaining his struggles instead of transcending them.

33- shortchanging the Future?

34- An increase in cash flow based on stiffing your suppliers ( by increasing accounts payable for the short term) or shortchanging Uncle Sam on taxes will come back to bite investors later.

35- Rep. Charles Rangel of New York headed the House’s tax-writing committee but acknowledged shortchanging the Internal Revenue Service on his own tax bill.

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